Thursday, July 14, 2005

UP won their first game versus DLSU today.
Crush ko si Marvin Cruz! Haha.
UP Fight! =P
(Yak, nagffeeling Iskolar ng Bayan. Di pa nga nag-uUPCAT. Lol.)

Crazy Thoughts

Why is it called a soap opera when nobody sings?
Why don't they make Root Beer flavored ice cream? Wouldn't it be better than root beer floats?
What is the point in saying "may I ask" and then follow it up with a question?
Is it possible to be allergic to water?
-> My parents used to not allow me to go swimming coz my ears used to always get infected whenever I swam in beaches or even swimming pools. (Imagine all the fun I missed out on) I was due to undergo surgery when I was in grade school, but as I grew older, the sacs in my ears uh, healed. (Thank goodness. Hehe)

If a pack of gum says that each piece is 10 calories, is that amount just chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it?
-> I used to think that chewing gum had no effect whatsoever on the body, except that it gave my tastebuds a glimpse of gummy heaven. Yun pala, nakakataba pa lalo. Eorgh.

Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
How come only your fingers and toes get wrinkly in the shower and nothing else does?
How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there?
"What was Captian Hook's name before he had a hook for a hand?"
Why is it that when adults have multiple personalities it's schizophrenia, but when a child has imaginary friends it's cute?

Can you put a gay man in a straight jacket?
-> This reminded me of someONE. bwaha. >=)

Do stairs go up or down?
Why do the numbers on phones go down while the numbers on calculators go up?
If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?

Aren't the 'good things that come to those who wait' just the leftovers from the people that got there first?
-> Owwww. Di kaya.

Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them?
-> I know someone whose kuya had a small part in a local rated R movie when he was still totoy. Haha. Whats even funnier is the fact that they have a copy of that movie, and they used to watch it with their parents and titos and titas. haha.

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?
Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its butt"?


Overheard from a Grade 6 busmate:

Whats your most embarassing moment?

Hmm. Every moment of my life is embarassing. And thats one thing Im proud of.

Good Job. ;)


Honors Convocation tomorrow.
The whole high schools going to watch daw.
Good luck to us. More embarassing moments to come. =D

Just What I Need

"I arrived at the conclusion that if a man came along who seemed to me to be honest and sincere, who wanted to make me laugh and succeeded in doing so, a man who had a lilting spirit-if such a man came along who had a respect for other human beings, then if he was Swedish, African, or a Japanese sumo wrestler, I would certainly give him my attention, and I would not struggle too hard if he caught me in a web of charm."

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- n|x - was loved at 6:38 PM
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