Sunday, August 28, 2005

Saturday = Senti Night
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Whoever started the "im-a-Senior-now-so-make-me-a-WRITE-UP-for-our-yearbook" thing was a genius. Either that, or he was a sixteen/seventeen-year-old who longed for something that could make him feel good.

Whenever someone starts writing your name on that page provided for him, youre sure that adjectives are definitely going to be on their way. Add to that different clauses with "mems" after. And after having read that one, two, three, eight..pages thats all about you, your heart is surely going to feel 10 pounds fatter. :D

Just like what Danielle had been saying, I still cant believe Im already a Senior.
I used to think of Seniors as those tall, well-built, crushable guys in black pants and those sophisticated-looking, make-up-wearing, heels-trained girls.
Well, I just hope that the young kiddos in school today dont think of us as just that.
Coz now, I now that we are so much more. :)


Were about to take our last First Term finals this week. Waah.
It actually the least-stressful finals week ever (except for the fact that we have to take CL pa)
Oh btw, its official: NO CLASSES ON MONDAY!
I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing, coz I actually wanted the first test to be over with.
Oh well, at least we'll be given more time to study. ;)


I have definitely matured as a person.
And my heart has definitely grown up as well.

It doesnt swell in excitement or despair anymore.
Nor does it pound like crazy whenever I am hit with a truckload of kilig or a bucketful of disappointment.

Those salty tears are nowhere in sight (except for that one night, hehe).
Those nights of endless night-dreaming and stargazing have all turned into pasttimes and stress-relievers, unlike the old days when Id stare at space while thoughts flood my head.

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Nikko was right.
It really is fun to, well, have fun, and not have to worry about things anymore.
That, I learned from him and from all the other people I care for and love.

This Nikki has come to grow as a seventeen-year-old who dares to still dream and yet stay in touch with the reality that she is making.
She still has the heart to fly to the top while trying to bring her whole world with her.
And she plans to keep on holding on to that "something" in her life that makes it all worth it. ;)



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You guys really are the best! FO SHO!
"That's what friends are for!" ;)


i want to be the girl you hit a homerun for. the one you score a goal for,write a song for, the one who makes you smile, makes you laugh && makes your heart skip a beat. okay i just want to be » that girl..

That night we talked. About life. About our times together. Maybe we weren't the same two kids we had once been. But some things never change. Some things last. And even though I didn't know what was going to happen to us, or where we were going ... I just knew I couldn't let her out of my life. - Wonder Years

People make judqements that aren`t truebut one thinq I learned is you just qotta be youand to show the qreatest srenqth of allis to be able to hold it toqether wheneveryone else expects you to fall

I am addicted to the horrible pain of wanting somone so unattainable. <--yikes!

Its like dancing in the rain andwishing on the stars. Butterflies inyour tummy and nothing else byfar. Its that cant eat, cant sleepkinda thing.. thats love.. such a[-* c r a z y * -] thing

I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes I have a broken heart. My friends and I sometimes fight and maybe some days nothing goes right, but when I think about it and take a step back I remember how life truly is and that maybe, just maybe, I like being imperfect.

I've been thinking a lot lately about taking chancesand how it's really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is everytime you take a big risk in your life,no matter how it ends up you're always glad you took it. ;)

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- n|x - was loved at 12:09 AM
[link to post] [2 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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