so im basically your average girl
my hair never does what its supposed to, and my room can't stay clean for more than a day
and there's this guy, that im absolutley crazy about,
but he doesnt look at me the same way
Cam-whoring with my brother is one of my happy-fiers. And his too. So pardon us. :D
I went to
Sta. Rosa, Laguna again earlier (we got there in approximately 20 minutes, not bad eh?) to visit the new-but-not-yet-live-able house in La Residencia. It was frankly like being in Alabang, only with the Southern-probinsya feel. The place is complete with schools (DLS-Canlubang, Ateneo, etc.) hotels (2 big ones a few minutes away), and even malls (one I could walk to easily and theres also gonna be an SM too). Cant wait to finally live there and
at the very least move on from having to live at the
very end of Metro Manila (Im not kidding) which is inaccessible to most of my Alabanger friends, to living to a
farawaaaay-er place where only persistent suitors or gas-rich friends can drive their way to. Sigh. The perks of living not-in-BF/AAV. *sarcasm*
For the past few months, Ive been witnessing my batchmates and I fill up with
feelings of nostalgia. The thought of having to
actually finally leave the place weve called "school" for the past 12/13 years is eerily exciting. The thought of having to part ways with the people youve spent half of your
Zobel life with is just too tear-jerking. Ive also been wanting to come up with an entry that could sum up all these feelings of reminiscence regarding my life in our Alma Mater, but I have yet to create one that could do justice. O:
The past week sure came by fast too. I pretty much
went to school on 4 out of the 5 days we were NOT supposed to. I even had to wear my uniform yesterday morning. Whattaloser. Haha. Got to spend time with new and old friends that Im sure gonna miss in the weeks that are to come. At least I didnt rot at home doing nothing the whole week. Thats what Im used to, and I dont think Im missing it. :)

taken last night with my BFFs (cute namin, we were all wearing black, hihi)
Carmi's 18th birthday celebration at Congo Grille last night was fun too. Queen Carmi, the debutante, was hot and pretty as always. *Wink wink* Haha. Buti na lang I got to drag Mariel and Carmi into singing "Bizarre Love Triangle" with Jana and I. Having to sing that song in front of people made me feel weird though. Some people would get why. Eow.
I was hoping I could celebrate my own debut the way Carmi did. Simple yet enjoyable. Spending it with my closest friends and family. Haay. 8 days to go before *gulp* I turn eight-eeeen. (Man, thats an odd number. Even, yet odd. Wtf. Haha). Wonder whats gonna happen. O:
Thanks to
Nikko and Boggs, I guess Im gonna be celebrating it differently. Im not really used to doing things for my birthday, coz in fact, I rarely do anything whenever the 27th of March comes strolling by the calendar. Spending it while partying with my batchmates for the last time sure sounds exquisitely fun though. For me, and hopefully for everyone else. Woohoo! :) (*Invitation/promotion to be posted soon*)
Its already 1:30am. I promised myself Id sleep before twelve tonight, but nooooo, I just had to face the PC for the nth time and type.
You know that feeling you get when you know you just have to do something but youre too tired/jaded/scared/doubtful to do it? Yeah. Im getting it. O:
...but you still do it anyway
...coz you know you owe it to yourself and to whomever to do so.
Enough blabbing and more sshleepy-shleepy time.
Gnyt! err..Gmorning! :)
note: wala lang yang mga quotes na yan. baka kung ano na naman isipin ng mga tao. haha. i found xanga sites with lots icons and quotes, kaya ayan. :) just making it clear, hehe. :D
The nightsky was prettier with the full moon. The picture doesnt do justice. :)
Throughout life you will meet one person whois unlike any other. This person is the one you could forever talk to. They understand you in away that no one else does or ever could. Thisperson is your soul mate and best friend.D o n ' t e v e r l e t h i m g o .