Friday, July 22, 2005

Dance like nobody's watching!
New layout!

My weblog (uy, new word, hehe) hasnt been this, uh, "big" in terms of width, height, frames, and all those things we're re-learning in computer class with Sir Porn(elius). The whole "dance" theme just happened to coincide with our recent "performance" in the CPA. Lol. And the text on top is precisely how I live my life now. Living as if I were in total control, and caring less about what other people think. Only the Big Guy up there can watch me dance my life away. =D

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Im supposed to take the Dry Run Exams in MSA again tomorrow.
Its a good thing we were scheduled to take it in the afternoon. Even though I doubt if I could even review for the test, having a few hours of leeway in the morning is something I shant take for granted.
I cant believe the UPCAT is only 2 weeks away!
My life is to be made or broken on August 6.
I have to be in QC by 6am. My gulay.
Thank God I was assigned to take the test at the College of Business Administration. I heard people say that that's the newest building in UP, and the rooms are fully airconditioned. Whoopee.

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But then, aside from that brief "whoopee moment" of mine, I have tons of other things to be problematic about. The talk we had this afternoon made my knees feel even more wobblier. Having to compete with 65000 other applicants just to get one slot out of a hundred is no easy task, I know.
I just hope Ill be good enough to make my parents proud.
To make myself proud.
And to possibly connive a path that can actually lead me somewhere someday. =O


It really is true what they say.

Ang buhay ay para lamang gulong.
Minsan nasa taas ka.
Minsa nasa ibaba.

There are times when youre enjoying the view from the top, with the wind in your face, and the world beneath your feet.
But then there are also times when your face is flat on the pavement, with the scorching heat burning your skin, and the freakin world behind your back.

But if theres one law in this world that doesnt need Newton's explanation, it's the fact that youll never be left stuck in that rut forever. Nor will you be enjoying the great pleasure of life perpetually. You'd eventually have to go the opposite direction in one way or another.

Another lesson I learned from my old self is that you can never do away with fear.
A speck of doubt and trepidation will always linger inside of you, no matter what you do.
But the trick of the trade is simple: act courageous, look fearless, and eventually, you will be.
Bravery is having the ability to acknowledge your fears and face them head on.
Its having to put up a straight face even if your heart is pounding like crazy.
Its having to look confident, even if youre dying inside.
Its having to have faith, even if youre only hanging by a thread.

So hey, Im not such a scaredy cat after all.

And now that Im back at the top of the wheel, Im ready to face the whole cycle all over again. . .
even if it means having to hang on to the last thing that's keeping you sane.


No classes on Monday!
Another reason to celebrate and pout at the same time.
Celebrate, coz we wont be going through the great curvature we experience everyday for 24 hours.
Pout, coz it means we have to comply with the law (aka our parents) and study for the forthcoming examination that is of great magnitude and importance to our lives.


[-"Lundagin mo, beybeh!" - Sir Brian Giron-]
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- n|x - was loved at 11:52 PM
[link to post] [3 smiles for me :)]
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