Monday, November 14, 2005

read the black icon before reading the whole entry..
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How my thoughts wandered from the secretly-asked question of how guys uh, eliminate their "liquid wastes" (yes, and my guy seatmate today interestingly answered it well, and oh boy was I surprised - i never knew that you guys, uh do it like that, ahaha) to the mind-boggling notion of my far-fetched reality, no one may never know. But my thoughts were spilled all over the place, just like a secret, when I saw how happy I really am after all - happier than I ever thought and faked I was.

Profoundness hasnt always been my favorite emotion. Showing emotional depth can put a person in two circumstances - a) you may be seen as brave and abysmal OR b) you may be thought of as someone who is stupid enough to open up to the whole wide world (web) - but either way, when you feel the urge to express your temporary psychological state, go right ahead - youll never know who can be struck by the truths you relay.

(!read the black icon in the middle =D!)
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But anyhow, this morning, as I was observing how Mang Robert was carelessly stepping on the clutch, I was suddenly hit in the head by a striking hypothesis - perhaps, I was really living someone else's life. Its just too weird and plain - but great and satisfying at the same time. We may probably never know how or why we were given the set of goof-ups and feats we have now, but it just amazes me to know how "okay" I really have been all along. I may not have a 2-storey mansion for a house, creme de la creme socialites as friends, party-going and extraordinarily understanding parents, or Tom Welling as my beloved other-half *sigh*, but hey, I would refuse to exchange this simple and satisfying life of mine for any of those temporary indulgences any time- even if it means having to say goodbye to a surreal life with Superman. =)

I know, I know.

Sometimes, we really cant help crying out for a genie to appear from our magical lamps for him to bring us back to the dream we dwelled in for a night. Reality bites. Every so often, it bites us hard in the ass - and if were unlucky enough, it even leaves a scar. Fantasy does always seem to be better, with all its fogginess and unpredictability, fairy dusts and magic, amazement and fun. But if you really think about it, wouldnt you rather walk through life with your eyes open? Sure, everything you can screw up your whole life in a night if you wanted to.

Make a mistake, and youll pay the consequences.
Take a risk,
and you will pay the price.
At the worse, you were tormented.
At the
best, you were ignored.
Love, and you will get hurt.
It will be hard and
scary and downright wounding.
But one day, the tables will turn.

Why waste your time shutting them from the world's absoluteness when youve got all that beauty and madness roaming about right before you? No matter how much you complain or cry or burst out in rage, remember that life wont stop for you. And it definitely wouldnt go on replay or rewind either.

Take it from me - face every day with your eyes wide open - that way, you wont miss the part of life where you say "Damn, Im lovin it..."


do this in front of me, and youll instantly melt my heart. serioiusly.
its cute, you know. ahaha.
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and, heres a wake-up call for some of you:
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Im eating Hersheys Milk Chocolate and Nestles cookies and cream chocolate right now.
Endorphins from chocolates actually give you the feeling of being in love. =X
But maybe, I wont be needing too much of these things after all? Hmmm. =)

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Haha. Gawd. I cant believe how mushy that sounded.
I was just kidding about the last line okay?
The whole " Dating Dangers" got to me today. Thank you Mrs Reyes. =P


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Harry Potter fever is on.
Im gonna watch the latest HP movie on Wednesday with Jana and Danielle. Ohyeah. =D

- n|x - was loved at 7:35 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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