Sunday, November 06, 2005

Goodbye sembreak. Hello reality.

I am confident that my batchmates will agree with me when I say that having to write a minimum of 7 pages on our supposedly-interesting topics during our semBREAK (why do we call it that when we seem to not get much out of the "break" part anyway?) is nothing but pure hassle. :o

Sure, I like writing. Sure, we'll be entering college in a few months. Sure, this is "for our own good." But WHY?! Haha.

I guess this is the perfect time for me to put my procrastinating skills to use. :)

With my cram-buddy-slash-vanity-partner:

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I still cant find my Student Permit anywhere. Im am soooooooooo dead. Please pray for me. Lol.


- n|x - was loved at 11:00 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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