Thursday, December 15, 2005

down with love
An hour and a half ago, I was munching on Hersheys Nuggets.
24 hours before that, I was craving for even more chocolate.
You can even ask my brothers if you want. Theyre the ones Ive been harrassing for the past couple of days to walk to the nearby sari-sari store to buy me Chocnut, Choko Flakes, or whatever chocolate they could buy.

I know its typical for a girl to crave for these heavenly delights.
But after having watched "Down With Love" on Star Movies, I was baffled by how coincidentally funny everything was for me.

I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my family months ago, and I remember saving something in my phone -
" Chocolate has gives you the feeling of being in love."

If you got to watch both movies, youll get what I mean.

But no, I wont go on blabbing about "being in love" or whatever, coz believe me, I would not dare venture into that department again.
This time, Ill keep all this energy from my immediate sugar rush all to myself.

I want more chocolate.
(And if youre thinking what Im thinking youd be thinking, then dont. It isnt what youre thinking.) =)

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Ho Ho Ho.
Christmas party na tomorrow. (And I didnt mean that to be rhyming, no, no, no)
Too bad I wont be bringing a big bag filled with presents tomorrow. O:

Im stuck here at home while everyone else is in Town, in Town, or wait, did I mention Town?
Were supposed to be leaving for the hospital to visit my sick lolo (guys, please please please pray for him o:), and then go to the mall or something to go shopping.
I can only rely on my oh-so-generous(I hope) Mom to buy me things I want to give my friends.
Wuah. A million worth of love from me would be a much better gift now, wouldnt it? Lol.

Bleh. O:

So glad the finals are over.
If I manage to keep my head where its supposed to be till March, the finals I took this week would be the last I have to take for my entire High School life.
Its got a bittersweet ring to it, I know.

*To all LJ users, add me up please. Haha.
I know, its pathetic, but dont blame me - Ive got nothing else better to do. O:

Man, I love that big guy up there.
Just when I thought things were squishing me like crazy, he engendered (oww, English) contentment and tranquility in me.
Keep em coming, Lord. :)

I stole the pic below from Em. Its been my Christmas anthem since November. Haha. =)
*Oh, and someone's gonna give me the Alicia Keys Unplugged album for Christmas!
Yay! 1 wish down. 123425324532423 more to go. Haha. (Thanks in advance! haha. =p)
Merry Christmas guys! =)
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- n|x - was loved at 3:03 PM
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