Friday, December 03, 2004

The Wrong Reasons
Ever wonder how God came up with our body’s design? Ever pondered about the ingenuity of our creator? Every organ in place, ever part in order, every process for every purpose. But why is it that some of us have malfunctions in our bodies?
“She’s so beautiful...Look at her eyes, her hair, her I love her...” If you were to hear lines like these, would you think of it as a serious declaration or an infatuated comment? You stare at the person’s eyes and you see pure attraction from it towards the person he or she admires. But can this person really love her?
Perhaps yes, but maybe no. If physical aspects are what we’re talking about, then I could say that that person isn’t getting the real meaning of this thing we all call “love”. Taking the brightness of her eyes, the silkiness of her hair, and the curves of her body into consideration, these factors take part in the formation of love, but for me, I believe that annotations like that only express physical attraction. I interpret this as the malfunction of one’s brain. The heart takes over thus making the person overwhelmed by his feelings. We often times get flooded by the emotions we feel and that may be the reason why we sometimes let our hearts rule over our brains. As other people would say, “Follow your heart”. This may be true for a lot of people for we were given hearts to feel the sensation of love, to experience how it is to love and be loved. But our brains were put on top of everything else for a reason...
God put our brains on top of everything else for a reason. Not because he wanted our heads to be round, not because he didn’t want our heads to be hollow, he put it there for us to realize that we should think first before we do anything else. The same goes for love. Even if we love someone, it doesn’t mean that it would be right to keep on loving them for the wrong reasons. A beautiful face is certainly a plus factor for all of us. We go through all kinds of hardships just to achieve our goal – to become beautiful. But don’t you think our inner beauty should be the one that should stand out. This would definitely sound like a cliché, but we really should love someone for who he or she is...not for what that person has physically. Another overused saying would be “Beauty is only skin deep”, well, I genuinely agree with this, for you will find your real love not in beauty pageants, not in television, but who knows? The person you were meant to be with forever may just be right around the corner...once you catch a glimpse of him or her, you’ll know that that person is the reason...the right reason.

- n|x - was loved at 5:47 PM
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