Friday, January 21, 2005
Can I just say that I AM SO MISERABLE.
Rico blancoooo! =((
Its at a time like this one when the reality of my being a loser slaps me right on my face.
Today would have been a perfect day, If I only had the heart to go to that concert.
I probably would have been allowed to go. I think.
But for some ANNOYINGLY-UNKNOWN reason, I decided not to have tickets bought. Weird huh?
Youd probably think, “Ang weird naman nito!”
Thank you. Id take that as a compliment. Lol.
I dunnow. Something just really stopped me from going to the concert of my dreams.
I actually have this theory in my head. The reason behind that decision would be better left unsaid and untold ?
I hate being such a “good friend”. Ive always acknowledged other peoples feelings, and have always ignored my own desire to be happy.
Does that make me more of a loser?
I guess so.
How sad. Ö
Currently playing: Mata by Mojofly
Its true what they say. That the eyes are the windows to one’s soul, or something like that.
Whenever I see SOMEONE look at me, I feel like hes talking straight to me.
It’s a weird feeling. Even freaky at times.
But the eyes can really tell a lot.
I know that the girls would agree with me here.
Coz guys, don’t think that the girls you like are always clueless.
You may not have exactly professed your UNDYING LOVE/LIKE/INFATUATION for them, but believe me, we girls get very suspicious at times. Were sensitive to stuff like that.
Especially THE LOOK.
Maybe that’s why Ive been attracted to a lot of chinito guys.
Coz they DON’T HAVE EYES in the first place. Ahaha.
If ever they do, theyd look like one of those drawings my brother used to draw.
His drawings of those cute little stick people included a pair of horizontal lines on the face, which according to him, were the eyes. Lol.
My crushes have all either been chinito or big-eyed. =))
They didn’t have BIG eyes, but they had really expressive eyes.
Oh, and whenever Im asked the overused question: What s/Who s
Id have a ready answer.
Chinitong Moreno.
The small eyes and the sexy complexion make them sort of mysterious. ?
Okay. Enough crap. =P
Anyway, I better stop being so pathetic now or else Ill end up sounding like this guy I know.
This guy has been a really good friend. Or rather, WAS a good friend.
Was- coz we dont get to talk anymore.
He did something really STUPID.
Nagpakagago na rin sya.
And it freakin pisses me off.
I get pissed whenever I see people do STUPID things just to look COOL or feel GOOD.
Why would a guy do something really b-a-d, something that could end his life, something so painfully ignorant, something so STUPID to himself?
I heard the information from a really reliable source. And when I saw him, my gut-feeling triggered my pissed-mode.
Whoever you are, please don’t ruin your life. Don’t be such a waste. Magpakatino ka. Wag ka magpakagago.
Youre my friend and I dont want you to act stupid. You’ve always been stupid. You know that. But please, don’t do this to yourself.
Or else, id be the first person to drag you away from whatever rut youre in now.
Ang seryoso pala ng mga pinagsasasabi ko. Haha.
Okay, back to my steady-mode.
4 days before the campus tour –
Coming up:
our retreat – gotta start making retreat letters. Retreat letter ko pala people ha!! Hehe. Feb 9-10 ata. =P
our outreach – hassle. Feb 11 ba naman. The day before. . .
THE PROM – no comment. Ahaha. Im dateless. Im not supposed to use the term STAG, coz it really is supposed to be used for guys who go to parties or gatherings unaccompied. But nonetheless, im still dateless, which is super fine with me. May 8 or 9 dances nako. Ahaha. Okay nay un. But I need more, coz I dont to end up being left in our table kasi halos lahat sa barkada ko may dates. Harhar. Yun lang. =P
In around 2 hours, other people will witness the greatness of Kitchie Nadal and Rivermaya.
And I wont.
Everyones out. Everyone else has a gimik. Everyone else is somewhere else.
And Im not.
And thats what im currently doing right now as well. Ö
Oh I know, Ill listen to the cds my bud gave me. Smallville OST! Woohoo.
Okay. That thought made me feel better.