Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Camera-happy people
Here they are!
(Thanks to Nicco and Mara V for the pix! :P)

Pics from Sept 17 (morning) when we took our ACET.

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Points to Ponder

Since light travels faster than the speed of sound, people appear bright until you talk to them.

If at first you dont succeed, destroy all evidence you tried.

Before when I was a kid I would pray every night for that new bike I wanted. Then later on I realized the Lord doesnt work that way. So I stole one and I asked Him to forgive me instead.

Before you go and criticize someone, remember to walk a mile in their shoes. That way youll be a mile away when you criticize them and have their shoes as well.

If you ever need to borrow money, always remember to borrow from a pessimist. They never expect it back anyway.

If you ever feel as if the whole world hate you. Dont. Not everyone has met you yet.

Remember you can only be young once but you can always be immature whenever you want.


Pics from the DLSZ-ADMU (Jrs) game last Sept 15

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---> more pix at my multiply <---

- n|x - was loved at 4:36 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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