Thursday, November 17, 2005

damn. cant sleep. grrr.
words of wisdom from my F.
thanks F ;)

alam mo yun
ang galing galing mo tumulong pagdating sa problema ng iba
but when its yours you wouldnt know what to do
its the same as loving
you give and you take
but you give so much that somehow in some way
you end up hurting yourself and the guy

think about it...
how many hearts have you broken the past 1 and 1/2 years?

you know why you're not happy?

you're looking for something...
though you might say that you're "waiting" for it
deep down inside, and in your mind,
you're looking for it
therefore when it is presented to you
you wouldnt know if it was what you were looking for
or not.

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uncertainty is caused by guilt
uncertainty is caused by overlapping thoughts of "what if?" or "what happens?"
if you know what to do, and you put your heart into wouldnt be uncertain

siguro isa na yun kung bakit magulo pa rin utak ko..
coz i refuse to actually think about these things
they end up getting tangled in the mess that my head already is

you know why?
cause no matter how mature you are
you still lack self-esteem
or is it self-confidence?
or both?

you have to make decisions, live by it, and stand and wait for the consequences
instead of what you usually tend to do,
juggling your ideas and thinking of what to do..
in the end, you keep regretting or getting confused

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No assumptions please.

(they are what they are. nothing more. nothing less. cheesy crap.)

you’re in love
& you know he loves you
is just not the right time,
you know he’s the one for you
he loves you & wants to be with you
it just cant happen right now
in the end you know you’re going to be with him
just don’t let go

& shes been waiting for that one special guy who will knock her off her feet without even trying

i want a guy that will make me happy, someonethat will make me smile when i hear his voice,someone that will love me unconditionally, i want someone that will have my friends say to one anothershes happy again ? <3

she wants a guy who will just come over to be with her, not to "get some".
who will hold her, and keep her close, because he's afraid to lose her.
who will get the hair off her face, to see her eyes.
who will hug her tight.
kiss her cheek to make her smile.
slow dance with her, without music.
who will pick a flower for her and put it in her hair.
who will watch scary movies with her and be afraid too.
who will invite her to his family partys.
and introduce her to his mom, as his beautiful girlfriend.
who will tell her "hes missing her"
a guy who will leave her voice mails saying he?s "just telling her he loves her"
who will be there for her when she's in a fight with her best friend ..
to comfort her, and let her cry on his shoulder,
a guy who will let her spray his cologne all over his room,
who will let her take stupid pictures with him and show them to her friends.
she wants a guy to love her with all his heart
(in short, she wants a non-existent guy? haha. )

When you tell someone somthing bad about're scared they won't love you anymore. but then youget suprised because not only do they still love you, but they love you even more..

One hundred years from wont matter how you did on a test, or how popular you were. no one will care about how many hits you got in a baseball game. it wont matter if you miss a day of school, or what you got for your birthday. your highest score on a computer game wont be remembered or if your family had a swimming pool. no one will care who came in first in that one wont matter if your handwriting was messy, or if all your artwork wasnt the best. but, if you made life a little better...for jus one person, thats what will be remembered. thats what will matter..<3

- n|x - was loved at 10:10 PM
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