Tuesday, October 31, 2006

randomousnessity :)
I want to DANCE.

Streetdance for PE!!!

Im not one who usually rants about my weight (as badly as most girls anyway), but a lady's got to stay away from the nasty curse of bulges and flabs right?
Ive done nothing the whole sem break but eat and sleep. I know I was in dire need of those two during our hell days of school, but now I think Ive had too much.
Must. learn. how. to. move. again. :\

I scared the crap out of myself last night by watching those freaky shows they played on TV. The paranoia got the best of me so I ended up sleeping with the lamp on...and with the book of "How To's" in my arms.

I miss dreaming. And remembering my dreams. Bleh.

The people from Cebu are coming back tomorrow. Ang saya nila :)

Things to do with brothers when bored:

- sing and dance to worship songs ("one waaaay... to the ends of the earth... yes lord, yes lord..")
- munch on adobo flakes with suka
-Google Earth (v.) every familiar place to you (Bahay ni Nino/Bahay ni Deni/Mom's Office/Ate's dorm)
- guess each other's YM passwords >:)
- O2jam our way to musicality
- pretend were nasty hoodlums and kill rival gangsters (The Godfather on PS2)
- watch Homer Simpson's funniest clips on YouTube and laugh our butts off

Who says I need I a boy when Ive already got these two? :P
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- n|x - was loved at 12:53 AM
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