Wednesday, January 04, 2006

No resoultions for me. Only daring predictions (slash hidden desires).
Respect my freedom of expression please. Haha. :)

This year I will...

learn how to say no.
appear strong and be strong.
lessen my vanity.
travel more.
play the piano again.
muster enough courage to drive alone.
have a boyfriend.
stop crying.
learn how to commute.
grow 2 inches.
have my eyelashes permed.
go to my desired college.
lose something valuable.
buy a digicam.
cook a delicious meal for someone.
leave the house.
have a one-of-a-kind debut.
get drunk.
win an award.
get together with my barkada.
graduate with flying colors.
go to Bora.
get my license.
earn money on my own.
be featured on a mag.
receive flowers.
watch a concert.
sleepover at someone's house.
have my hair cut or straightened.
get more sleep.
have a blast in my first year in college.
cry during graduation.
miss my room.
blog less often.
start a book.
enjoy the prom.
be hooked to something.
attend a wedding.
meet loads of new people.
be scolded at.
strengthen my faith.
return to Zobel for SI retreats.
read some long-ass book.
curse less.
be braver.
kiss and be kissed.
be more open.
be Ms. Hitch.
spill a secret.
say goodbye to a friend.
get sick.
dance till the morning.
miss my HS friends.
bump my head real hard.
watch the sun rise or set with someone.
be more laid back.
have a picture taken with a hotshot celebrity.
witness something close to a miracle.

If they dont happen, then they hopefully will the year after...or the year after that..or the year after that... :)

Its almost 4:30.
My Mom's gonna be up any minute now.
Gotta go. Tata. :D

still sleepless...wheee! :)

- n|x - was loved at 4:15 AM
[link to post] [4 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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