Sunday, February 26, 2006

yay! yay! boo.. yay! yay!
I should be sleeping now since Im dead tired already, but somehow I cant contain my agitation.
Weird. Good weird. :)

Awie's debut was soooooooo fun. I had a smile on my face the whole time. Thats what Awie does to me anyway. Like I told her, aside from her infectious laugh, its really her that rubs off on people. And she's definitely one girl Im going to miss after high school. ;)

Im sure tons of pics are gonna be posted by tomorrow (uh, later) so until then, I shall post a couple of pics I took with my phone first. Haha. (Papalampasin ba naman ang vanity? :P)

I missed these girls soooooo much! Jana was right. It felt like ages. Haha.
Too bad Chrissie wasnt able to come :( Argh. Sayang Chri! Hope you get well soon.
Turns out our whole barkada's sick (so is everyone else I think). Haay. Owel.

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more pictures at >> my multiply! <<


Oh, nothing happened with our supposed "practice" today.
Sr-G wasted the chance God gave us to redeem ourselves. Good luck to us. At least di ako makikita sa stage pag kami na magppresent. Bwaha. >:)
We are so gonna suck tom.

I am slowly but surely trying to accept that my best friends have their own lovelives now. :( Haha. Its depressing in a weird way, but nonetheless, Im super duper happy for them as well. Theyre both happy, and I cant ask for more than that. :)

Yun nga lang, Marge and I ended up being the dateless/partner-less ones after leaving Bellevue. Haha. Being in Cafe Breton with the lovebirds pushed us to buy our own crepe instead. Nothing beats being "single and alone" than celebrating it with yummy food. :)

But its all good. I think its all UPhill from here. I can feel it. Ive been feeling it for a while actually.

My family's been receiving unbelievable blessings lately, and I know He wont let us down.
Thank you for everything. :)

Okay, now that Ive really proven to myself that I cant contain all this excitement (for what reason I do not know what), I have to go now.
Byee! :)

- n|x - was loved at 1:26 AM
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