Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Extending the Boundaries
An excerpt from Wouldnt Take Nothing For My Journey Now
by Maya Angelou :)

He continued… “You draw people to you; then you push them away.”

“You give that big smile and act like you’re just waiting for a man to take you in his arms, but then you freeze up like an iceberg…People don’t know how to take you.” Well, they must not. I hadn’t been taken.

We arrived at my apartment, and I gave my attendant the sweetest, briefest smile I had in me and stepped inside and closed the door.

I entered into a long concentration which lasted until and even after I sobered myself.

At the end of my meditation I came to understand that I had been looking for love, but only under specific conditions. I was looking for a mate, but he had to be a certain color, he had to have a certain intellect. I had standards. It was just likely that my standards eliminated a number of possibilities.

However, during that afternoon and evening I arrived at the conclusion that if a man came along who seemed to me to be honest and sincere, who wanted to make me laugh and succeeded in doing so, a man who had a lilting spirit - if such a man came along who had a respect for other human beings, then if he was Swedish, African, or a Japanese sumo wrestler, I would certainly give him my attention and I would not struggle too hard if he caught me in a web of charm.

- n|x - was loved at 1:27 PM
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