Saturday, December 04, 2004

I dream of a dog...
I just realized something…I want a dog!

My friend was showing me his super cute puppy through his webcam and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the little living thing. It was so small and it had blue eyes too! Wouldn’t it be cool to have your dog stare at you with beautiful blue eyes?

I’ve never had a dog. Or maybe I did, I just don’t remember him that well. Though I’m one person who’s very poor at remembering details (believe it or not, I can memorized formulas and texts, but I always seem to forget my password in the CompLab or even what happened to me the other day…so,anyway), I still have this faint memory of a white dog. We used to live in Cubao (near New York, Cubao…my mom even told me that we used to live right next to where Aiza Seguera lived and near some veteran actresses’ house too…lol) and I think we used to own a dog there. I was not more than 2 years old then I think, so I can’t exactly remember if we really had a dog. I never got the chance to ask my parents that (maybe I should ask later…hmm...), and neither have I been able to ask them if I could own a dog now. My mom has asthma. And so does my brother. My mom used that as an excuse whenever I used to ask her, “Mommy, can you buy me a dog?” I think she reasoned out that having a dog in the house would have to mean dog hair everywhere, dog poop and pee here and there, and barking night and day. As I grew older, I developed this fear of dogs anyway, so I didn’t bother to ask her again. There was this one time when I was visiting a friends’ house here in the village. I was outside her gate then when she opened it, this white dog came rushing towards me and ran after me till the end of the street! I was so scared…I swear. I was 7 years old then, and I can’t seem to have that memory of mine erased in my head. It was traumatic. Lol…But I guess I’m over that now. I’m 16, and I guess I learned to at least face my fear once in a while. My neighbor (yes, I live right next to the Mayor of Muntinlupa) owns a lot of dogs…BIG dogs. Once in a while the guards let the dogs out…or maybe they just escape..I dunno…but all I know is that they do seem to get out of their gate…and whenever they’re out on our street, I don’t even dare to step out of our front door. What can I do? They scare me. Lol.
What’s weird is that, I’m scared of the little doggies too. The little cute ones even. My friend owns this cute dog as well. Whenever we go to her house and enter her room, I always head straight to her bed and raise my legs from there. Coz her dog likes jumping on people and playing with them and stuff. As much as I want to cuddle with it and pat it and touch it…I can’t….coz I’m too scared.
That’s why I have to own a dog. I just don’t want to but I feel the need to. Lol. Coz I feel like I’m missing a lot in life…not being able to own a pet and all. Well, I’ve got 3 younger brothers (Mom: “You want a pet? Ayan o, si Derrick, Deni, & Niño! They’re all yours…” yea..roight), but that’s just too much for a girl like me to handle. Hehe.
Argh. I really want a dog. A cute one. But unfortunately I can’t own one. =( Actually, maybe I can, but I doubt my parents would bother to spend money on a mutt…something they consider as a nuisance in the house. *Sigh*
Owel…Maybe I can adopt a dog. Or maybe I can co-own a dog or something.
Am I that desperate? Lol.
Nah. I can wait.
On my 18th birthday maybe? By the time I’m in college and living in a dorm or a flat..I guess I can finally own a dog already.
I can already see him running to me now…
With his tail wagging…
And his bark echoing…*drifts into a dog daydream...*

- n|x - was loved at 7:02 PM
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