Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Kitchie Nadal’s videos!!!

Waaaaaaaah! Kitchie Nadal shot her “Same Ground” and “Bulong” videos already! Can’t wait for their release!

Below are some stills from the “Same Ground” video! Waaah! I love that song! And I posilutely, absotively will love this video! I wanna be a princess! Haha! You can slap me now. =P

**Here's what the director of the videos had to say:

Anyhoo below are some stills of my Same Ground video. It's going really slowly but as you can see a lot of post work is involved. What better way to present isolation than a castle in the sky... Hurray to independent productions...

Monday, December 06, 2004
I just shot 2 Kitchie Nadal videos...Same Ground & Bulong. Same Ground is a slight fantasy peice while Bulong is a straight up performance. Kitchie had a really small budget but I like Same Ground so much that I pretty much funded evrything. I had two sets built & tons of postwork will go into this. Bad thing was Kitchie & her crew were late and I was so angry but had to hold it in because if I got mad at them it would only ruin her perfomance & I'd end up with a bad video. I calmly expressed my disapointment just so theyd know that it was really no joke to be late specially for that shoot. I ended up spending a whole lot more because of overtime(13k!!!!!). People...sigh. It's at times like that when I feel so proffesional. It was my initiative to do an out of budget video so I also have myself to blame for the hassle.... Kitchie & crew apologized for their lateness so all is okay anyhoo. Haaaaay I just want to make a nice video

I'm 24 years old. My full name is Avid Liongoren. I direct comercials & music videos for a living. <-he’s the director of the vids, check his site out, I think he’s one weird but cool guy.

- n|x - was loved at 3:28 PM
[link to post] [2 smiles for me :)]
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