Tuesday, March 22, 2005

holy tuesday
It's Holy Tuesday, and no, Im not heading to the Church.
I dont have a rosary in my pocket either (though I have one in my wallet).
My family has no plans of visiting any orchard or altar today.

But instead, Im going to the mall in 2 hours.

Isnt it funny how some people opt to wear tube tops and mini skirts and head to the cool gimik places than spare a few minutes of their time to visit the house of God?
Isnt it funny how those bearded politicians promise us change, hope, and a new life during campaigns, yet steal the people's money once they have the power to govern our land?
Isnt it funny to see how people yawn incessantly and try to keep theyre eyes open during homilies but never fail to overcome the urge to sleep while watching those late night shows?
Isnt it funny how we were named the 2nd most corrupt country in Asia, when were supposed to be the only Christian country in this part of the world?

Its funny.
But its definitely no laughing matter.
For some people, it seems exceedingly easy for them to go on with their lives, not minding the suffering that other people are going through.
For some people, it doesnt matter if they dont go to Church, as long as they have the option to secretly make the sign of the cross once they realize that theyre stuck in a rut and theyve got nowhere to go.
For some people, life just seems too short for them to waste it. Theyre interpretation of living life to the fullest involves going to the hippest parties, getting drunk till their kidneys suffer, smoking cigars till their mouths can handle it, and hooking up with people they met a few hours beforehand.
For some people, questioning God comes to them as their last resort, once they reach a dead end and fail to understand the things going on around them.

There are also those people who refuse to give in, who turn down the plea of temptation, who beckon the start of change, and accept the blows of life with their heads held high.
There are still those people who manage to spot that growing stalk amidst all the waste and rubbish.
There are still those people who continue to believe in the goodness of others and persists on dealing with these strangers without expecting anything in return.
There are still those people who have faith.
There are still those people who arent ashamed of praying and praising, despite the watchful and judgmental eyes surrounding them.
There are still those people who love.

Although these kind of people are hard to find, it is in these people that I see why God let us have free will.
It is in these people that I draw strength from.
It is in these people that I see why life is worth living.
I am glad to have loved, and been loved, by these kind of people.

Maybe, you should think about it too.

What kind of person are you?

- n|x - was loved at 12:23 PM
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