Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day
-Unlike mother, Unlike daughter-

All that tossing and turning in bed last night didn't pay off.
The whole time, I was trying to think of something my brothers and I could do for my Mom.
Being the advertising-aspirant that I am, tons of ideas bombarded my mind.
If those ideas had been for other mothers, It'd be a breeze for me to pull them off.
But this was my Mom, and that's what makes it all the more special.

I woke up this morning with the whole thing still in my mind.
I got up and headed for the kitchen where my Mom was.
I sat on one of the chairs and started munching on some bread.

"Ano ba, say it..just say it!"

I munched some more.

"Yoohoo! You there?! Just say it, dammit!"

Munch. Grind. Gulp.

"This is pathetic. Why can't I even greet my own mother!??"

This went on for a few hours, and surprisingly, my brothers were going through the same thing.
This was typical of us, coz our family is anything but verbal about our feelings.

I went inside my room where all my brothers were and started thinking of something that can at least spell out what we've all been trying to tell her.
After a few minutes of material-gathering, door-locking, and a lot of dont-let-mommy-see-what-were-doing, we ended up with this:

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You can't exactly compare it to a Picasso. I dont even think it can be classified as art.
It can probably pass Ms Camacho's standards.
But apart from all that, it was something meant for our Mom...and that's what makes it extra special.

She doesnt know this online journal exists.
About 98% of the stuff I write here is unknown to her.
She doesnt know alot about me, and I know that's one thing we both have to work on.
But if there's one thing I want her to know, it would be the fact that...she's my hero.

Love you Mommy :)

Happy Mother's day to everyone! ;)

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- n|x - was loved at 1:17 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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