Monday, January 16, 2006

the cause is you
What I need now is a big PAUSE.

I just want to put everything on hold and take things one at a time. Schoolwork and a whole lot of other things have been piling up lately, and I dont think Ill be able to handle it. When youve got no one else helping you, and when youve got the whole weight solely on your shoulders, you will have thoughts of giving up.

And the cause isnt helping either. I better not veer off what I set my mind to. I better not lose focus. I better not...

Im actually anticipating for this schoolyear to end just to get it over with. Time dilation would be dandy and fine if I could use it on the fun, carefree, untroubled goings-on with my friends. But when youre just waiting for that clock to tick again before your very eyes, it gets boring eventually after the 343242th millisecond.

Modern Dance. Science project. Classroom Decoration Contest. Music grad song. Counterpoint article. Review for the Ateneo Math Competition on Thursday. Justin's party. Practices. My nowhere-to-be-found/non-existent prom dress. Prom. Grad ball. Birthday. Etc, etc, etc.

Im not being very optimistic now, I know.
But I soon will be. As soon as this is all over.


Hope its all worth it. I dont want to spend my last 7 weeks of high school stressing over things I shouldnt really be worrying about.

*Runs to the fridge and grabs pack of Chocnut* good ol' lover. Makes me feel loved every time. :)


*a few minutes later*
Im A-okay now. :)
Nothing beats having friends who are always ready to let some air in you when you feel like blowing up already.
Thank you guys :)

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You. Yes. You.

- n|x - was loved at 9:12 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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