Thursday, January 05, 2006

this is not happening...oh wait, it is. :)
Ill be in school the whole weekend for Circle 103's Search-In retreat.
This'll be our second to the last retreat, so might as well make the most out of it.

Oh, and Im gonna be losing sleep again. Owel.
I sure hope itll be all worth it.

Keep the candle burning! :)


DLSUCET results came out.
ACET to come out really soon. (Jan 7 or 10)
Same for USTET.
And well, *tanananan* theres UP.

UP. Peyups. UP.

My Mom's been having second thoughts as to where she wants me to study. She's always wanted me to study in UP. Despite of the whole "masa" feel of the university, it still is the best one we have, she argues. And I, on the other hand, thinks I do need a whole new environment for my boring life, so I have always been okay with the idea of being an "Iskolar ng Bayan."

But because my 1st choice was BS-BAA (business admin+accountancy), my chances of getting into primary course is like...somethingpercent. Ive also heard some alumni-stories about how only half of the people who take that course actually graduate. Ngaar. (I dont even want to think about it. Itll only depress me)

...oh wait, why the hell am I writing about this? O:

Must. Not. Faint. Again.

UP's makin' me crazy already. Even without me actually being in it yet. Geez. O:

Lord, I need you. *prays real hard*


Speaking of Peyups, Lala gave me this URL a while ago.
I visit almost everytime I go online, so I was familiar with the article.
So anyway, if youre interested in some mush and depth written by "iskolars" (I hate those tagalized english words), click on the line below. :)

click me

Wala lang.

*Due to mushy-sounding stuff that I wrote which gave off a "bigs" vibe daw according to someone (haha), I edited that part.

Like I said,
"Im not even "in l-o-v-e", so how can I be er,"out" of it?"

Anyway, byee now.
I am off to the wonderful world of PE-powerpoint-making. >:)
See you, my dear WWW, on Sunday. :)


If I were to pick my favoritest people in the world, youd have to be one of them.

- n|x - was loved at 5:53 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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