Friday, January 20, 2006

The year friendster, Hi5, myspace, hipstir, pinoyster, whatever-ster came popping out of everywhere, I went with the whole fad and made my own accounts.

I posted this one >blog in myspace< (Okay, time for mawkish sentimentality.)

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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Follow your heart?

So they say your head is put on top of everything else for a reason - for us to think first before we jump into anything, to deem on profound thoughts before getting something done, to use our brains primarily before anything else. But still, we should admit that these things are pretty hard to do at times. What if your heart is opposing whatever your head is telling you? Should you cling to the helpless feeling you get every time you encounter these clashes of verdicts? You are magnetized to whatever your heart is telling you for it is YOUR heart. It epitomizes the inner voice in you, which we perhaps should care to warily listen to.

Stupid decisions? Well yes, weve all made them, went through them, and learned from them. Thats the good part – the component of learning from ones mistakes. Why bother to take risks and endanger your well being when you cant even learn how to put to heart all the lessons you’ve come to ascertain from your blunders? But does this mean that we should just let ourselves leap into decisions we hastily want to get over with? No. Whatever happens, think first. It wouldnt hurt if you take a moment to rearrange that flooded mind of yours of the thoughts which are jumbled in it. Yes, perhaps the beating of your heart may be more heard than the ringing of the bell from your head, but hey...listen to both of them. Perhaps if you hear out both sides then you may be able to find the answers you’re looking for. Answers to questions you’ve been dying to resolve, answers which may hopefully lead to bliss and contentment, answers you need to decide.

Time. You need not count the ticking of the clock to realize that time is essential. Maybe this is what you need. Time to think, to reflect, to simply lie for a while and stare at reality. Every passing moment may help condition both your heart and mind. Who knows? Maybe when the time comes, you may eventually find what you need, find what you want, and find what your heart and mind is looking for. Ü

When I checked my mail this morning, someone had commented on my other post (a poem), and sent me a message yesterday as a reply to that post.

"I was reading your blog about following your heart, I just wanted to agree with you, I think that there are two sides to the one self, one driven by emotions and the other driven by logic. Our clever brains can tell us that a person we are interacting with is bad news, it can pickup on delicate subtleties in our behavior and warn us well in advance, but our emotions can overrule all of those thought processes. If every time a man looked at a woman he thought about the byproducts of pregnancy and the 18 years and the thousands of dollars to spend a life with a woman and father her children, our species may cease to exist. No, we need a heavy regiment of thursday night drunkard one nighters to give this population of ours a poignant zing in our stew. You seem lovely."


He hit me right in the heart...and head with what he said.
At least someone from somewhere in the world agrees with me. :)

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- n|x - was loved at 9:12 AM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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