Saturday, January 28, 2006

on a mission
ivi should be working on my film reviews now but...

Ive never really actually thought about it until now.
To have been so blessed enough to have a glimpse of what youve been wanting all along is overwhelming. But I didnt know how even more mind-blowing it would be to let it all just pass you by.

In fact, Im at a loss for words.
I cant even seem to think straight, now that the roads ahead are tied up.

After talking to a few friends who knew what was going on, I realized that I have shunned these thoughts long enough.
I tried my best to just let it make its way through the end, but turns out I couldnt handle it.

You understood after all. Beyond my expectations even.
I was the one who didnt. Coz I tried not to.
But now that I do...

I may have had let one hand go, but now I know, letting go of the other is out of the question.
Im on a mission.
And accomplishing it is a must. :)

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- n|x - was loved at 10:56 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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