Tuesday, February 28, 2006

oh happy day
*i just hate it when I type some longass entry, then Blogger or DSL suddenly messes things up. but wth, im too happy to even be bothered. woohoo!*

no one's probably gonna care but...holy mother of....!

after a freakin looong wait, i finally found out a few hours ago that...
i passed UP! O:

Dward texted me earlier to tell me that I passed(thanks Dward!), but it didnt really sink in yet at that time. My Mom even went to UP Manila to check (since its near her office), and she was the one who called me and told me that I really actually passed and got into my first choice.

I seriously didnt think Id get into the course I got into. But look at what God has mapped for me now. Huwow. O: But frankly, if there's anyone who's evidently rejoicing in our house, it would be my Mom. You can literally see her face light up whenever she congratulates me hour after hour. Haha. I love my Mom. She was the very first person who believed that I could do it, and look at where that faith got me. :)

Congrats to everyone who passed! \:D/

will write about more stuff tomorrow. :D

today's synopsis:
- had our make-up tests
- had our last circle day ever :( (wuah! im gonna miss c96 so bad!)
- ate some of Awie's cake and foodtripped with my foreverfoodtripbuddy Jana :)
- rejoiced with my friends who passed UP (so proud of you guys!)
- went to National to look for a book for science (sorta) and buy materials (right? haha)
- went to SM to SKATE in the ICE and fell twice! (eow! i sucked real bad, but that was still hella fun! sobra! haha)
- had loads of fun having our picture taken with laughtrip costumes (the pig on my head, the graduating de guzman, the cleopatra cam, and the transexual crisman, nyaha)
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- passed by Town to be picked up

wala pang pasok tomorrow! ahahaha.
yay yay yay yay yay! :D

Im lovin' it. :)

except for one thing though...hope I hear from you soon.o:

- n|x - was loved at 7:28 PM
[link to post] [2 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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