Wednesday, March 01, 2006

counting them down
27 days to go before that girl-who-was-exiled-to-Switzerland's 18th birthday :)
26 days to go before my 18th birthday (Im too lazy to think of anything I can do,harhar)
24 days to go before our graduation :(
9 days to go before Grad ball (as expected, I still dont have a dress yet)
7 days to go before my BFF's 18th birthday :)
2-3 more school days left for me (hopefully/unfortunately)

to be accomplished:
AP paper
Science movie review and book review
English essay on Metrosexuality (i love my topic, so does ms castanos)
Art project (tahoooooo)
Fil play (we still havent had one single run-thru(?) yet. we are so gonna suck)

to be settled:
we need to talk. :|
where to study...where to study? O:

aaaaaahh ewan. :x


movie posters when combined

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I still want a dog.
I saw this beaaaaautiful siberian husky puppy in SM yesterday. Beautiful, I tell you.
Wuaaaaah. Dog! :(

I want a haircut too.
Haha. Here I go again ranting about it, without actually doing anything about it.
Ngarr. Ive bothered a couple of people enough already.
Must. Shut. Up.

Okay enough.
Lazy daaaaay.
Okaythanksbye. :)

- n|x - was loved at 1:55 PM
[link to post] [2 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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