Im trying to fix all my files in this PC. I always thought I had a lot of useless ones saved here, but I never realized I had this much. Lol.
I encountered one (metro) today, so I thought of posting this file (my homework for Ms Castanos, haha) here.
Metrosexuals of Today: Changing the Views on Masculinity

British journalist Mark Simpson, was the first to coin the term "Metrosexual" in his 1994 article in the "The Independent". This was written shortly after he published his book about contemporary masculine identity "Male Impersonateors: Men Performing Masculinity". In 2002, the said author posted an article on wherein he defined a metrosexual as "a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis – because that’s where all the best shops, clubs, gyms, and hairdressers are. He may be officially gay, straight, or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object." The term metrosexual has been adopted by the media and society in general as a heterosexual male who is in touch with his feminine side. He is extremely conscious of his looks and what other people may see him as. What he wears, how he styles his hair, and basically how he presents his whole body is what concerns him ordinarily. He color coordinates, cares deeply about skin and hair care, and is concerned with his overall appearance. The stereotypical concept of being gay used to be originally tagged with the term metrosexual for it was considered to be a type of cultural appropriation, but masculine revolution has dictated that a metrosexual need not be homosexual to be declared as such, for the concept of metrosexuality crosses the borders of gender.
The perception of metrosexuality can be dated as far as the 18th and 19th century. The metrosexual of today can be compared to the "fops" or "dandys" from the past. A dandy is a man who places particular importance on his own physical apperance, refined language, and the cultivation of leisurely hobbies, very similar to how we modernly define metrosexuals . The word was given the humorous meaning of "fine" or "great" and was often used sarcastically. Nevertheless, a well-dressed and self-absorbed man is still referred to as a dandy, but was eventually given the connotation of homosexuality. A fop on the other hand, is a typical character who appears from time to time in fiction. He is a male who meticulously overdresses with the desire to be viewed highly as an aristocrat. Dandy, however, was contrasted from a fop in that the dandy’s dress was more refined and sober. Both older terms refer to males who take time and effort to pay attention to their looks and that is why they can both be likened to our 21st century metrosexuals.

The originator of the term metrosexual has also concluded that no one exemplifies the concept better than David Beckham. The British soccer superstar known for his kaleidoscopic hairstyles, Versace suits, designer clothing, and use of nail polish has added to his popularity as the superior athlete who is intrinsically mindful of his appearance. Other renowned individuals who amply fall under the category of metrosexuals would be Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney and Donald Rumsfeld. It is undeniable how the mentioned men have taken their good looks to their advantage to pursue careers that require stealthy elaboration on superficial impressions.
When it comes to a man’s façade, being unique is one great way to stand out amongst the sea of ordinary men today. Some may also consider their overall appearance as an essential secret to their successes, claiming that attractive people give out a positive vibe to others that helps them connect with people, especially women, more efficiently. The definition of masculinity is definitely undergoing a makeover.The metrosexual icon David Beckham isnt the sole promoter of the cultural concept because the tradition was already there in the first place, especially in the Asian region. Definitions of masculinity have grown more flexible throughout the years for which the media and market was very much responsible. Although the world generally knows the standards of female beauty, the criterion for males are still being disputed. Certain factors like charisma, individuality, and wit contribute largely to man’s personality as a whole, and this can possibly resonate from his outward appearance. Narcissism would also have to be an important element of metrosexuality knowing that it was originally implied by Simpson that a metrosexual is one who desires and loves what he would like to be – that is, what he sees in magazines and advertising.
Overall, the concept of masculinity has changed over history. Changes in culture and attitudes toward the male body have changed
the meaning of what it is to be a real man, free from all barriers that hinder one’s right to express freely what he desires to be and how he wants to be looked at.
So, are you metro? Haha. :)
My new status would be:
bored with a purpose.I dont exactly know what that means, but the meaning that I give it is that though I have nothing essentially important or significant to do here at home, I feel no obligation to un-bore myself. Ergo, I am not really bored - just out of things to do. Haha.
Labo...So anyway, we fetched our Mom from her office yesterday and passed by Harrison Plaza (ang dami foreigners dun - Indians, Koreans, Americans, Arabians, etc. LOL). I asked my Dad where DLSU was so he decided to pass by the campus too (which is near BSP lang pala). After that, we headed to Quezon City to check out the place Lav referred to me inside the
UP campus. It wasnt as spacious as the other apartments/dorms we checked before, but it's location was perfect. The shopping center was right in front of it, the coop was near, and I could easily walk to the BA building from the house. If I were to stay there, Id have to share a room with 2 or 3 other people. The room wasnt what my Mom pictured me to stay in either, but the people there were soooo nice. Staying in a small home with other UP students would do me a lot of good. And the
risks as compared to living along Katipunan are relatively lower if I stay inside the campus too. AND, Lav will also be staying in the same place. So most likely, dun nako. Hehe. :D
We went to
Tiendesitas last night. It was our first time there even though weve always passed by the place and have always wanted to check it out. I absolutely loved the items they sold there! My Mom and Dad ended up buying a couple of big things for our Sta. Rosa house too. We even ate dinner TWICE so you could just imagine how full we all were. Haha. Nights out with the whole family is uber fun. Hope we have more. :D
enough blabbing. Byee!
Oh and Im chocnut-deprived no more. Yay! :)
Try this!