Monday, May 08, 2006

for ever and a day
*What I Learned From Him

He was the friend I have always had, but never had the chance to talk to. He was the person I have always chanced upon, but never got to share moments with. He was the guy I have always seen, but never really got to understand. He was the person who came to me for encouragement, but little did I know, that it was from him that I would find inspiration.

*Note: I still cant remember who he is though. I found it in my files and was stumped by who I could have possible considered to be my inspiration for one of my ADMU essay drafts. Oh well. Those few lines sound good to me though.

Here's preview of the actual essay I submitted:

*"Heart-Shaped Biscuit"

If life were a grand play, then I must have met the greatest performer of my time. He has put on countless performances in front of enthusiastic crowds, impressed different personalities with his wit, and showed off his talents to various audiences. Despite the unbelievable recognition and astonishing feats throughout his lifetime, he has kept his feet firmly planted on the ground. By the world's standards, his works and deeds may not be worthy of a Nobel Prize. But in my eyes, he is the one person who managed to win my heart. His name is Phillip, and by the way, he is only 8 years old. . . .

Ive posted this more than once already, but I never grow tired of it.
>>Click Here<< to read the rest. :)

*Love Is What Really Matters

What really matters now is love. Now I don't mean mush, I don't mean sentimentality. I mean that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows us to rise. Strength, love, courage, love, kindness, love. That is really what matters. There has always been evil, and there will always be evil, but there has always been good, and there is good now. - Maya Angelou

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

- n|x - was loved at 12:24 AM
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