Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sometimes Things Are Never The Same
Ive been trying to sleep for the past 4 hours, and all that Ive gotten is a good brrr-ing and shivering because of the aircon that was left on High Cool. Sometimes I wish I had instant sleeping pills to knock me out instantly.

I just remembered that I had cappuccino after dinner. Nincompoop.

Sorry Da if I wasnt able to go online earlier! :( T-us ako eh. O:

Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people's souls. -Melody Beattie

I saw Carlo today when I went out for a short walk. His face hasnt changed that much. I always imagined him to be taller too, but it seems like Im not the only one who's been deprived of growth hormones. I remember always teasing him for being as short as me back in our pre-school years. After doing my homework every afternoon, Id scurry off to our street and meet up with my playmates - Carlo being one of them. Throughout our friendship, he was able to teach me a lot of things. He taught me how to ride a bike, make bubbles out of gumamela flowers, play tag, buy candy from the kanto, and those other little things that complemented my childhood days filled with fun and carelessness.

But time had to catch up with us. And so did circumstance.

Years ago, his father was shot because of a fateful incident. A life was lost just because of a fight over an insignificant parking space. Memories of watching the news on tv still haunt me till today. Hearing my parents ramble on about how fate can really play its tricks on you still echoes in my ears. Carlo's family was fairly well-off but when they lost their father, things drastically changed.

I have faint memory of how we were before that all happened, but our friendship rolled to a halt shortly after. I felt helpless as a little girl who didnt know how to deal with death and loss at that time. I thought those life-changing mishaps only happened to other people and not to people I actually knew. But I learned that that was not always the case. Years after their first loss, Carlo's family had to go through another test - his Mom had a stroke and was almost paralyzed.

Still not knowing how to deal with the gravity of what was going on, I felt as if things around me were impossible to control. I was lacking in and deprived of strength to go to my best friend and help him through his most difficult days. I was a little girl eager to help but was too young to understand.

I then went on with my juvenile life. As I grew older, my days of playing outside the house ceased to exist. I no longer went out every afternoon to stroll along with my bike or play patintero. I wasnt able to play with my friends anymore because I was too busy doing things inside the house. And I no longer saw Carlo.

That was until today, when I saw him again. We walked past each other without saying a word. I gave off a half-smile and so did he. I know better than to think he's still the same old little boy who used to always act as my escort. And we were best friends no more.

We may never be able to rekindle the friendship we once had, but Im glad I have memories of him to live by. And although I regret still having loose ends with him, I am thankful for all that he has taught me about life and friendship.

- n|x - was loved at 1:42 AM
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