The counter in this blogsite says that as of this very moment, Ive had 14739 hits. The number goes up everyday, so does that mean that you people actually take time to visit here? Haha. Make your presence felt and tag! :)
I have kept a lot of things in my room that not many people would dare to keep. Old newspaper sections, shoeboxes, candles, chocolate boxes, torn notebook pages, crepe papers, etc.
However, what annoyed me the most everytime I cleaned my room were the dried up petals of roses Ive kept over the years. Call me old-fashioned and conformist, but as much as I love lilacs and daisies (I am such a girly girl, I know), red roses still bring out the HR in me. But when theyre all dried up already, you can just imagine how stale and unattractive they look. Some bouquets Ive kept since Freshman year, and some stems I only got a few months ago.
Ive kept them all maybe because they were covered by sentimentality rather than reason or realism. But this morning I decided to finally tidy up my room from all the clutter and dispose of the things I knew I had to shake off already.
Ive been having dreams every night since Tuesday! Ive long been frustrated by how I dont have dreams anymore, but ever since I started sleeping earlier (earlier than the sunrise that is), I have had a couple of
weird and The OC-worthy dreams! Hurray! :)
Even after waking up, I sometimes still force myself to go back to sleep to continue the dream that was cut short. Just to dwell on the things that were better than reality...
I could have sworn I had t
oo much XY chromosomes surrounding me yesterday. I had to stay in an internet cafe for hours because I had to wait for my Chest X-ray results in the nearby hospital (which was near my Dad's office and near the internet shop - oh, and I even saw Donna!). My brothers were all there, so I decided to stay there instead of disturbing the people in my Dad's office. The whole time I was there, I was the lonesome girl who was amidst gaming-hungry boys. This guy beside me started playing rap songs and began "bouncing his head to the beat" *Rolls eyes* Haha! Good thing Tim, Raffy, Bea, and Justin were online to distract me from all the DOTA/CS/Ragnarok/Ran/Gunbound racket.
Almost everywhere we go, someone always seems to know my Dad. He's not exactly like one of those hotshot lawyers, but he's got his fair share of clients too. But its not just because of that that people know him. Its his charisma and friendliness that gets to them. He can talk to practically anyone - from CEOs and Germans down to the gasoline boys and Aling Nenas.
I was with my Dad and my brothers the whole day yesterday, and I witnessed how people greeted my Dad with smiling faces. I grew even prouder when this old lady recognized my Dad, greeted him, and said ": Attorney!" *turns to friend* " Naku, mabait yang si Attorney! Tinulungan ako nyan.."
The biggest mystery for me would have to be how I, of all people, cant talk to my Dad like other people do. He doesnt come up to me to ask me how my day was. Only God knows whatll happen if I come to him to share my heartbreak stories and insane ventures either. The farthest we can go with our conversations would be college and driving. He knows about Boggs and a couple of other things though. Hahaha. But I can go on for days without actually "talking" to my Dad - not that anything's wrong, its just that that's how we have always been.
Some people know how inclined I am to sentimental and cheezy stuff. I have always been tagged as the "hopeless romantic" and sometimes, I dont even think thats good. Ive always known where that came from though.
Every time I see signs of affection and closeness, I am hit hard not because I want some boy holding my hand and proclaiming his undying love for me too, but because I just know how much of it Ive been missing.
I would give anything to be able to talk to my Dad like other people do.
Wow. That was quite emotional, wasnt it? Haha.
Anyway, Ive got some more cleaning to do. *munches on Chocolate-covered polvoron*
We were supposed to go out today, but there was a change of plans. :| Oh well.
Oh, and I know I wrote in my previous entry that I was "studying". Well, truth was, I only went as far as 6 pages of this Geometry book. Hahaha. Too lazy to even turn another page. Ill leave it all to my now-empty brain on Tuesday.
I know I dreamed you a sin and a lie. I have my freedom but I don't have much time. Faith has been broken, tears have been cried. Let's do some living before we die. - Wild Horses