Wednesday, January 31, 2007

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It was both pathetic and weird, but more than that, it was a scare worth learning from. I dont know why, but those few minutes of worrying drowned me with thoughts of losing the point that I actually cried. WTF.

Nothing really happened, but what's weird was how I unexpectedly reacted to the dreary lag. It was like a flashback of the regrets Ive had in the past, and from that miniscule moment, I knew that I didnt want to lose again.

Its actually funny now that I think about it. And by funny, I mean embarrassingly pitiful.
But I think I'll leave it to one my greatest inspirations to do the justification...

An excerpt from an Linda Wolf's interview of Maya Angelou :)

Linda Wolf: Dr. Angelou, what advice do you have for young people growing up today?

Maya Angelou: To laugh as much as possible. Always laugh; it is the sweetest thing one can do for oneself and one's fellow human being. When people see the laughing face, even if they're jealous of it, their burden is lightened. But do it first for yourself.

Laugh and dare to try to love somebody, starting with yourself. You must love yourself first, of course, and you must protect yourself when you can. You say, "Just a minute! I'm worth everything, dear."

If you really realize that, you realize everybody else is worth everything. Everybody, fat and thin and plain and pretty, white and black, rich and poor, thick and slow and brilliant, everybody is worth everything. Start with yourself though.

One kiss is a dangerous drug
Ill get what I deserve
If I dare to fall in love
One look she shot me in cold blood
Ill get what I deserve
If I dare to fall in love
-Brent Bourgeois

- n|x - was loved at 11:01 PM
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