Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Sweetest Thing

**This story made me go “awwwww..” for approximately 10 seconds, so I knew I just had to publish it. I know Valentine’s Day is still out of sight, and I know it’s a day when you either anticipate a bouquet of roses or you go hiding behind rose bushes. But anyhow, here it is:

A Love Story

I thought I’d be having the same old boring Valentine’s Day I normally have every year. I wasn’t expecting anything from anyone, but aearly that day in school, I was surprised to see a single rose resting on top of my cahir. It came with a folded piece of paper with my name on it. One part of a story was written on it, but I had no idea who wrote it because tehe paper was unsigned. The story was about a boy who longed to be an angel, so he went to a genie to wish for it. The genie then asked him why…and the story just ended there. After recess, I got the second part of the story through my teacher who announced to the entire class that he was asked to give me a rose. The second rose came with the second part of the story where the boy answered the genie’s question. The boy wanted to become a guardian angel because he wanted to guard the world. The genie then asked him why he wanted to guard the world…And the story ended there. During lunch break, I finally discovered that the roses were from a good guy friend of mine. How? He surprised me with the third rose and the last part of the story which read: “And the boy said to the genie, “Because Jaymee is the world to me.” – Jaymee, 16

- n|x - was loved at 7:30 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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