Saturday, March 04, 2006

of holding back and giving in
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"As she spoke of her feelings for him all he could think about was Anna. Sweet, caring, beautiful Anna and how his own failings had driven her away. Anna had become part of him. He had fallen so completely in love with her that is was hopeless to think that he could ever be with anyone else. And so he said goodbye to Polina and set off to win back the heart of his true love. Yes Polina had been a dream, like a creation from one of his stories but Anna was real. For the first time in his life that felt more powerful than anything he could imagine. The End." - from Alex & Emma

***I woke up late this morning wanting to put my uniform on (oh wait, I dont have them with me coz someone just had to leave it in his car, lol) and head straight to school. Its probably one of those more prominent symptoms of Senioritis (as they call it). Given that my teachers would be so kind enough to grant me my exemptions to our final Final Exams, Monday would be my last official schoolday in my beloved Zobel.

***Congrats to Senior C (we all loved your play), Senior E, and Senior D for winning yesterday.
As for my class, good job with sort of pulling off our very first run through in front of the whole batch. Lol. The first few minutes of it were enjoyable (coz those were the only scenes we got to actually fix that morning), and well, as for the rest of it, we sucked. Haha! But what the heck, we won 3rd for our raw script now, didnt we? :) Congrats again to all those who won! :)

***I watched Fearless with Raffy, Toba, IC, Cam, Crisman, Cel, and Kirk in Town last night. Its funny how my parents always end up allowing me to go places whenever Im with the same set of people. Weird much. Saw Lav, Rocky, Awie, Tom (congrats to you and Danni for getting into Intarmed! woohoo), Tim, Jana, and a bunch of other Zobel people as well. Even alumni. It wont be long till I bump into La Salle students in town again a few weeks/months from now, but then, Id be the girl-who--graduated-in-Zobel-too. :\ Rawr.

***I havent watched television for what seems like ages. Ive been downloading my weekly dose of The OC Season 3, and that has nourished me for my tv-drama cravings. But since I had nothing else better to do today (finally, I can bum around without having to worry about anything), I indulged in my old anti-depressant - TV-overkill. I only found out today that they show Pinoy Big Brother at noon, Mr. Pogi on Eat Bulaga, Ai Ai delas Alas on ETK(?), and those new breed of Starstruck starwannabes. I also got to watch "Alex and Emma" on Star Movies again for the nth time, and it still didnt fail to make me sniff a little (thus, the quote above).

***I still dont have anything to wear to the Grad Ball. I never really payed to much attention to dressing up and all those glamorous things we girls have to go through on special nights. But since March 10th would be our "Last Full Show", maybe Id have to rethink my stand. Hehe. Its in 6 days, so can anybody please help me think of what costume I can wear? O:

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- n|x - was loved at 5:11 PM
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