Friday, April 21, 2006

im an ass-kicker
Hours of grasping the controller warped me into the world of butt-kicking, bone-breaking, and mission-solving. It's been years since I last played a game console (did I use the term correctly?) for that long. Ive been juggling between pretending to be the perfect assassin that is Nina Williams (of Tekken) and Solid Snake (of Metal Gear). Who says only hunks can be perfect spies?

Ive always dreamed of wearing those cool, sexy, spandex/leather-ish costumes equipped with the sharpest swords and the most insane guns and grenades. Sneaking into guarded buildings, crawling into hidden tunnels, passing by airducts...dirty work, yes. But the thrill - I like. :P (How many made-up 3-D crushes have I got anyway? lol)

Hmm...if only I were a little bolder...and braver.

Ive had nightmares of being stalked by killers just as much as I have dreamt of becoming a super protagonist. I even vowed to have secret compartments/passageways/airducts/panels in the house I plan to build when Im rich and old enough. Seriously. Psycho killers scare me more than headless ghosts and nasty zombies. Its not their ridiculous laugh that gives me the chills...its the fact that they can take away your life with one slash. Wandering souls dont do that...or do they? :
Okay, Im beginning to scare myself now. Haha.

I guess my only point is that gaming acts as a haven for those who wish to escape reality and indulge in worlds far from their own. Whether they they involve high-speed chases, fighting a whole nation, or simply getting through a gigantic monkey villain, the feeling of being able to "save the day" or, the world even, drugs you.

And I intend to remain drugged for the next couple of days.

I sound like some game-addicted 13-year-old boy, do I?

Wait...I think thats my brother. Haha. Deh.

Expect me to be absent from YM till this wears off. Hahaha. :)

It took me a total of 7 hours to finally lose consciousness and drift off to dreamland last night(I think I dreamt of Sayid(?) from Lost - hahaha weird). I was left with no choice but to preoccupy myself rather than stare into blank space for no apparent reason.

I ended up re-reading a dozen of teen magazines that were neatly piled in the cabinet. When I got bored from all the barbie-figured bodies and porcelain faces, I opened my big red "secret box" and rummaged through piles of paper. Old poems, lyric sheets, cut-outs, newspaper clippings, class pictures, and retreat letters - it was like viewing my life in a ChickenSoup-worthy kind of way. The retreat letters still managed to make me cry (especially yours Jana haha).

Its nice to look back at things that made you who you are now. It makes you appreciate everything you went through - the good and the bad. It makes you cling to things of the past that you may never be able to bring back again, and yet, it fills one with optimism that more good things are to come your way. They may never be able to replace those things that have been, but it sure is good to know that you went through them at one point in your life.

Our 4th attempt to go to EK failed again. Rawr.
The last time Ive been there was in Grade 7 with 10/11 of my barkada.
As soon as we move to Sta Rosa, I swear Im gonna drag my whole family there. >:)

Some day, when I'm awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you...
And the way you look tonight.
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- n|x - was loved at 12:19 AM
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