Friday, December 29, 2006

Dreaming With My Eyes Open
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I have many dreams. Some I proudly tell the world, the rest I keep within the confines of my own mind. Secretly wanting something so unattainable may seem foolish to the unwary man, but to me, it remains as wishful thinking. It may go against evidence or rationality, but it definitely is pleasing to imagine.

Fear and uncertainty have plagued these dreams for as long as I can remember. One cant help but feel for the people who are afraid of letting their guard down, forgetting their pride, or even worse, breaking their hearts. But the risk that they fail to take is a chance that might never come their way again.

I've learned that running away from what you fear only keeps you trapped inside your own fences. Instead of going around in circles, unable to break the chain, you should run towards something that will eventually embrace you once you reach the finish line. At first, you may be able to dodge the very punches thrown at you, but you can only avoid them for so long. Once you get tired of eluding the minor blows, sooner or later, you will be knocked down by your own weakness. And from that frailty, you will fleetingly fall with only hope that someone will be there to catch you in time.

I still fearlessly dream. Closing my eyes to fall into the blankness and obscurity of reality to witness cut scenes I badly wish would carry on until I wake – that has been my way of revisiting my personal dreamland where I always land the lead role. In those reveries, I am the lead who jumps off a building, crashes a car, walks the wire, dives into the sea, and comes out of an explosion with nothing more than a scar in the eye. But despite that imagined immortality, I still yearn for that dreaming to finally die out. Eventually, I just want to live it - to live it, perhaps still with fear or uncertainty, but with enough heart to dare to ultimately fall in love. To fall deeply in love, even with my eyes open.

- n|x - was loved at 1:31 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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