Friday, December 22, 2006

Happified Holidays
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Chocolate cake 2 nights ago, blueberry cheesecake last night, and sans rival today - oh how I love the Christmas season!

Its a time when the fridge gets filled with chocolates and fruit cakes that end up in everyone's tummies by the end of the break. Never mind the bulges that the many Christmas parties could give you, as long as your heart is fattened along the way, all the sharing of laughter and blessings make up for it all.

Its a time when most people seem to find that someone with whom they can share their warmth with during those chilly December mornings for Simbang Gabi. With people flocked practically everywhere, its not hard to pick out the ones most special to you and make them feel that way. Whether it be through undies as presents, a box of chocolates as goodies, or just simply a big warm hug for a dear friend, they all spell out the same message of love.

Its a time when families find an excuse to pack their bags and head to those places significant to them to take in the Christmas spirit. A simple dinner at home with the traditional giving of gifts appeals to those who long for an intimate celebration. Some prefer big gatherings where the whole clan comes over to fill Lola's house with kwentuhan and laughter. Choosing to spend Christmas eve with the people you most love only manifests how much they are valued. Whatever the size or the price, no gift could ever take the family and friends.

Its also a time when people forget about all their problems and just simply feel thankful for what they have. It may not actually be the day when Jesus was born, but from it grew the dauntlessness of giving without expecting anything in return. No matter how heavy your burdens may be, the genuine smiles of the people around you melts the worries away and gives you the right to be happy.

This year, I met new friends, stuck with my old ones, and found another - in me. Although this Christmas feels incomplete without my Lolo, knowing that the loss had let me gain even more consoles me. I have a million things to be thankful for and hopefully Id be able to give that all back. But for now, learning to live a good life while drenched in love by my family and friends is more than enough. :)

To everyone I love, thank you for touching my life.
To everyone else, Merry Christmas! :)

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*Im leaving for Manila in a while. Then were heading to Lipa after. Weve spent Christmas in my Lolo's house all my life - can't wait! :)*

- n|x - was loved at 12:01 PM
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