Monday, December 25, 2006

Final Report on Predictions Made for 2006
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On January 4 2006, I made this list of predictions (instead of resolutions) and posted another Mid-Year Report last June to upadate myself of the things ive already accomplished. Since 2006 is almost over, here's my final report for the year :D

This year I will...
If they dont happen, then they hopefully will the year after...or the year after that..or the year after that... :)

Thats 50 out of 58. Not bad right? :)

Now, I just have to grow 2 more inches, go to Bora, cry during my college graduation, return to Zobel, watch the sun rise or set with someone other than myself, meet up with Wentworth-my-love and have my picture taken with him...
and for the remaining two...

me having a boyfriend = something close to a miracle.
Hahahaa. :D

Merry Christmas! :)
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- n|x - was loved at 10:33 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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