Saturday, February 24, 2007

AIESEC Academy -@Week- Events (Feb 26-March3)
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Opening of the Academy
(Feb 26 - Mon)

To start things off, AIESEC prepared a one-hour program that will give hindsight of what is in store for the week. The program will include presentations, talks and a special number coming from one of our alumni Sitti Navarro, a famous Bossa Nova singer.

The Art of Leadership: AIESEC Week Gallery (Week Long)

The AIESEC gallery will showcase photographs, quotations of all the prominent alumni including US President George W. Bush, Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, RP President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as well as current members, organizing committees and the executive board. The weeklong event will be showcased in the third floor front lobby of the College of Business Administration.

Extremely Physical Education: Amazing Race (Feb 28 - Wed)

Patterned after the hit television show, this event will be exclusive to AIESEC UP-D members to be able to test their wits, smarts and physical fitness, as well as to discover and promote the concept of teamwork.

Lunch with Magnates: Grand Pakain (Mar 1 - Thurs)

A sponsored buffet lunch complete with entertainment, set for the whole College of Business Administration which is aptly themed as "Lunch With Magnates", giving the students a feel of what it is to have a power lunch with business executives.

Fire Drill: AIESEC Week Culminating Night (Mar 3 - Sat)

With the theme Fire Drill, the culminating night signifies the burning passion of every member of the organization. Located in one of the hottest nightspots in town, this event will be open to students of different universities aside from the University of the Philippines Diliman. This will celebrate and tell the Filipino youth that they can be leaders as well.

- n|x - was loved at 10:34 AM
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