Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Do you like him or her for the right reasons?
During my stay in Batangas last weekend, I got to chat with my cousin with whom I shared a lot of secrets with. We’re really close soget to talk about a lot of stuff. As we were walking to our lola’s house, she was narrating the things that she and her boyfriend (of a year and a half ) have been together. I was asking her a lot of questions since I knew her boyfriend well, and in fact, I kind of acted like their bridge before. But then she suddenly stopped answering then and threw back some questions at me. I just laughed some of them off since I didn’t want to spill them yet, but then, as we were nearing our destination (which was my lola’s house), she asked me a question that no one’s ever asked me before: “Bakit, ready ka na ba magkaboyfriend?” I stopped right in the middle of the road and raised my eyebrows at her. Then in an instant, due to my involuntary response neurons, I replied, “Malay ko!” And we just giggled some more.
That question actually made me think. How do you know if you’re ready? Do you just know? How can you determine if it’s real or not? How can you be ready?
I then remembered having read this article in Candy mag. It’s about knowing the symptoms if you’re really in love/like with a person or not. If you want to know if you’re ready or not (too) then read on and find out.

Ripe for Romance ?
By Mimi Lopez

The symptoms are easily detectable: major heart palpitations, insomnia from nights spent tossing and turning, a significant decrease in appetite, speech difficulty at the most inopportune times, wistful, faraway looks and an inability to control the motor act of smiling. You may find yourself listening to mushy songs more often. You talk about him/her constantly. You get acquainted with the built-in VCR in your head the replays those shared moments over until you fall asleep. You realize you’re never sighed so much in your entire life. You look at him and you’re positive you’re seeing an angel.
The diagnosis? Simple. You’re in love!

Loving someone…
The Wrong Reason: He/She looks like Hollywood’s hottest hearthrob.
The Right Reason: You don’t need his/her looks to make your heart throb.

The Wrong Reason: He/She gives you sparkling diamonds.
The Right Reason: His/Her eyes sparkle like diamonds when he/she looks into yours.

The Wrong Reason: He/She completes you.
The Right Reason: He/She complements your completeness.

The Wrong Reason: You love the person that he/she is.
The Right Reason: You love the person that he/she is, was , and will be.

The Wrong Reason: You’re head over heels in love.
The Right Reason: You love him/her from his head down to his.her heels.

The Wrong Reason would be that: You cannot live without him or her.
Because the Right Reason is: You’ll very well be able to, but you’d rather not.

The NOs to saying YES
SO he’s posed the question and you’re raring to commit. Stick to the cooler or more conventional ways of concretizing your concurrence. Steer clear of doing it in the ways that follow, among others:

-Hold two donuts or mints with holes up to form the word “Oo.”
-Hit the play button on your sound system, look him in the eye and smile from ear to ear to the first strains of “Baby I’m A Want You.”
-Feign multi-linguistic ability and say “Wo ay ni” instead of “I love you” (lest you don’t mind him asking “Whoa, you what!?” in response)
-Show up in full cheerleader get up, pop pop in hand and spell YES with your body (E would be tough, I’m telling you!)

My diagnosis:
Okay. This is weird. But I can say that I’ve been experiencing most of the symptoms. Oh no. I’d rather not check up on the Right or Wrong Reasons thing. I just might end up realizing that I am in love. Damn. :o

My Prescription:
I’ll just have to wait. Wait for him to do something. Until that happens, I’ll just be here, waiting…with a smile on my face. Ü

*So, you think you’re in love? Post a comment. :D*

- n|x - was loved at 1:05 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
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