Sunday, June 05, 2005

In a way, I'm glad that this summer's over. Not that I dislike bumming around the house, watching my favorite shows on tv, eating as if there's no tomorrow, and going places I've never been to. The start of classes also mean that I actually have something to do again and that also means that I can finally do the things I've been too lazy or too "busy" to accomplish. (Did that make sense? Err, my brain's still rusty. Oh no.)

Anyway, I sure hope I get to start my Senior year right. Besides, this is going to be my last year in Zobel. I have to admit that I'm not exactly excited for tomorrow. I've been classmates with the same set of people for the past 7 years, and "first days" haven't been anything I used to worry about. But June 6, 2005 and all the days after that is going to be different, since I am going to be classrooms away from my barkada, I am going to be taught by our former principal, I am going to spend the next few months with people I've never even talked to before...and the list goes on. I just hope I still manage to put a smile on my face while answering "What did you do last summer?" and "Say something about yourself..." tomorrow, and not let that smile go away till graduation.

Oh, and to add to my "Things I'm Anticipating" list, I've got the Intrams, Modern Dance Competition, Cheering Competition (omg), Graduation, and of course my debut to look forward to. (Woohoo)

I wonder how our guys are gonna look with black pants on. Its either they'll look like mature, intellectual, men or gaunt, canteen personnel guys. Hehe. But nonetheless, I'm looking forward to seeing how people changed throughout the summer, how they fattened themselves up, how they now look anorexic, how they grew a few inches taller, how their hairstyles morphed, and how their attitudes improved (hopefully).

Senior year, here I come. :)

- n|x - was loved at 9:23 PM
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