Tuesday, May 23, 2006

college banter
I got the scholarship. Top 4.
Now I have even more reason to regret not going to Taft.

*prepare for some college-related ranting*

Even before I took the test, my parents were choosing between me going green or maroon. Going blue was an option too when we found out I got into the Director's List(?), but then, I never really imagined myself to be an Atenean.

Anyway, my course in La Salle would credit an Economics major aside from Accounting. But BAA in UP's a really good course too and if I pass the CPA examination, Id have a title with my name. AND if I want to, I can pursue a degree in law (did I use the term correctly?) aftewards and become a CPA-Lawyer (my Mom and Dad combined).

But now that I got the scholarship, I could have gone to either universities without having to spend a single peso and even get allowances.

Dont get me wrong though, I dont think of myself any less for going to the "premiere state university" of our country blah blah blah. I guess Im just jealous of the fact that most of my batchmates are still "together" to some extent, while we, on the other hand, are exiled off to faraway Diliman.

I just really really really want my classes to start already so I wont be uh, school-sick anymore.

Oh and by the way, here's a fun UP fact:

La Salle may have a green archer, and Ateneo may have a blue eagle...
but no, UP isnt exactly represented by the oblation statue or the parrot.
Ours is apparently an American Eagle since the first colleges were established during the American occupation. And maroon was chosen as their color since that's the case with most state universities in other countries.

The emcee during our orientation said that it was a common misconception for people to think of the parrot as UP's "mascot" since many have conceived the bird on the UP seal as one.

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Why the talkative and colorful bird, you ask? No, it isnt because most people think of UP students as those who bravely let out shouts and outcries. "Makibaka! Wag matakot!" Apparently, parrots were (or still are) symbols of knowledge.

Maybe this has been the case since our neighbors are eagles too, so Im betting they just kept on with the whole oblation/parrot thing. But then again, I guess UP can also stand for University of the Parrots. Isnt that just swell? :) LOL

And as if the conceit in this entry isnt enough (which is unintended),
here's another snotty line for you:
-I think therefore Im from UP-

- n|x - was loved at 3:01 PM
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