Tuesday, May 23, 2006

of hellos and hello agains
*love was meant for beauty queens*

I cant express how envious I am of my batchmates who went to Taft today. I badly wished for myself to be there, amidst fellow Lasallians, walking through the green and white halls while trying to spot familiar and not-so-familiar-but-cute faces. As friends texted me while they were trying to kill time during their long-ass breaks, I couldnt help but feel regret. A big part of me somehow felt distressed about my decision to choose a faraway university for its "prestige" and other undeniable perks, but I guess Im gonna have to learn to love UP. Thats what theyve been telling us anyway (that we'll love UP sooner or later, that is).

Too bad I wont be experiencing that "everywhere i looked, i saw zobel people" thing. And I miss my batchmates who are there already. Rarr.

Guess Im just scared of delving into the unknown, getting lost in an unfamiliar jungle, and mingling with people Ive never met before.

Oh wait, thats exactly what I want, isnt it?

Cant wait for June 13! :)

Ive finally settled things with just a simple and casual YM conversation. Cant believe how easy it was. Nothing really happened in the first place anyway. The people around us just sort of sensationalized our friendship by bombarding us with, dare I say, petty intrigues. Heck, even my Mom got into it. Haha! They all believed something that we both almost believed. But I guess we know ourselves all too well.

And besides, he's one person I love to hate. The same goes for him. He calls me ugly, makes me feel fat, and displays less chivalry than I do. He treats me in a way that other boys wouldnt dare do to me. He may deny it, but we have an understanding that makes us want to kill each other and yet still share personal and deep stories at the end of the day. He may not know it, coz everything to him is a joke, a parody, or a surreal drama from which he runs away from, but Im still glad were "talking" again.

To you, and to everyone else, good luck and take care in college! :)


Since I still cant sleep, I decided to update my Friendster account after ages of not doing so.
A testimonial would be very much appreciated:


Im gonna love you forever if you make me one! C'mon! I know you want to!
Please? Hahaha! :D

- n|x - was loved at 1:00 AM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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