Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Filipina = maid?
The maid in the Roberts mansion (Summer Roberts...the OC) is supposedly from the Philippines.

I dont know whether to feel proud that I heard the name of my country on my favorite TV show or feel ashamed that it was associated with being a maid.

But then again...

Precious Lara Quigaman, the Miss Philippines who took home the 2005 Miss International crown, was asked the following question during the final round...

"What do you say to the people of the world who have typecasted Filipinos as nannies?"

To which she replied, "I take no offense on being typecasted as a nanny. But I do take offense that the educated people of the world have somehow denegrated the true sense and meaning of what a nanny is. Let me tell you what she is. She is someone who gives more than she takes. She is someone you trust to take care of people most precious to you -- your child, the elderly, yourself. She is the one who has made a living out of loving and caring for other people. So, to those who have typecasted us as nannies, thank you. It is a testament to the loving and caring nature of the Filipino people. And for that, I am forever proud and grateful of my roots and culture!"

But then again...

I heard that the e-mail from which I got this from was also a hoax.

Oh well. That was a very good answer though.

- n|x - was loved at 12:20 PM
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