Friday, May 26, 2006

A (pretty long) Birthday Message
Dear Bud,

Sorry for not being able to reply a while ago. You BUZZ!ed and, well, I was busy wrestling my brother out of the PC. You know how brothers are... know, its funny how you still seem to be just there...just a message away. Whether we admit it or not, our friendship was practically founded on long midnight YM conversations and day-long text marathons. It took us years to actually be friends with one another despite the fact that we belonged to the same class for half of our Zobel lives. Maybe Mr. Fate decided to finally equalize our noob-ness by putting you, me, Rox, Jana, Danielle, and Macky together on that fine year we enjoyed each other's company. Id have to say that it was from that circle that I found the bestest friends I could ever find in a lifetime.

Saying that I learned a lot from you would be the understatement of the century. You taught me how to laugh at my mistakes, cry at my pains, and look at my life in a way I never did before I met you. You saw the goodness in me and pushed me to believe in myself. You saw my flaws and failings and pushed me harder to fight them. I learned to appreciate the majesty of your first love, that is football, and your first girlfriend, that is your PC. I learned that being emo is never wrong and that songs inspired by sentimentality always sound right when your heart is breaking with every beat. It was with you I first enjoyed staying up until the sun rises. It was with you I shared my most sabaw ideas and my deepest secrets with. It was you who understood when no one else did. It was you who knew me better than myself.

>> read the rest <<

Just dont forget me when you score your first goal there okay? Hope that soccer cd rack arrives safely. The next time I see you online, ready your mic so I can enjoy your accent again. Eat some Chocnut for me too. Good luck with you-know-who! *wink wink* And oh and say hi to Chris for me. :)

You may be miles away now, but never forget that I will always be here for you.
Youre definitely a friend worth keeping forever. :)

Nix :)

Wishing you more fun-filled, football-inspired, musically-accompanied, love-abundant, days!
Happy Birthday Cao! :)

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- n|x - was loved at 2:17 AM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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