I did nothing the whole day except watch
Dawn of the Dead on HBO and lie on bed with my phone in hand. If this is how my whole summer is gonna be like, then I foresee a couple of pounds weighing in my already-out-of-shape body.
Ive been trying to come up with
goodbye-gift ideas for my friends. The whole idea of being "apart" after graduation hasnt quite sunk in yet since I
know I will be seeing them again. And since Im dead broke and out of art materials here at home, I thought that maybe the least I could give my friends are those
things that only the heart can appreciate.
The Gift of Listening
Im not much of a "talker" and that is why I have fallen into the category of being the "listener". After not interrupting and just listening, sometimes I plan my response/I have ready answers/I give facts, but most of the time I guess and just hope that I get my message across. But sometimes, all my friends really need is one who'd be there to just listen. You can always count on me for this one.
The Gift of Laughter
God knows how much I suck at giving punchlines and recounting jokes. I can probably put on a clown costume and scare kids away instead of make them laugh. But if there's one thing that Im good at, its laughing. Im what you can call
mababaw. I can roll on the floor laughing about the most insane things - from how a certain someone eats down to how badly a joke was executed. I can laugh at anything (as long as Im in the mood that is). So with that, I can gurantee you a mental note saying, "I love to laugh with you."
The Gift of a Favor
I find satisfaction in helping out people. Sometimes, people say I go overboard, but I dont care (as much, hehe). Its fun to go out of one's way to assist in any way you can. So as long as it doesnt involve making
utang or powertripping or things like that, then you can always count on me to come to the "rescue". Eow.
The Gift of a Compliment
I, for one, used to not know how to take compliments. Id always end up getting flushed and respond the wrong way. But after some time, I learned how to take them well and express my gratitude by saying a simple "thank you" trusting that the person meant what he/she said. A simple and sincere, "Galing mo kanina!quot; or "You look nicer in red!" from me should hopefully make someone's day.
The Gift of Sensitivity
A semi-introvert like me should understand how important some alone-time is. There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone and give time for ourselves, so you can count on me to leave you with your solitude. I am also quite good at reading people (at given circumstances). Seeing through my friends is one of my developing skills (at least Im trying to), so being sensitive to those times when you need someone as well is something Ill also try to perfect.
The Gift of Affection
Okay. This is gonna be a tough one since Ive never really been the touchy-feely type (coz of how I was brought up). But I know how hugs, kisses, pats on the back, messing up with the hair, tickles, and the likes make
me feel better, so Im sure these small actions, when given to others, would be appreciated as well.
The Gift of UnderstandingIf there's another thing I find wrong in myself, its that I understand
too much, in the sense that I find the "silver lining" in every cloud no matter how dark and heavy it seems. But when taken, or rather, given in moderation, understanding is something that not too many people get nowadays. So I would be very much willing to give it as long as you deserve it.
The Gift of a Prayer
Not many of you may know it, but I include you in my prayers. So hopefully, He heeds them and grants me my wishes for you. For any other special intentions, just come to me and Id be more than glad to include them. Nothing beats talking to Him when youve got someone backing you up.
The Gift of Wisdom
Im not wise, thats for sure. I make mistakes just like everyone else. But having to make them all over again would make me even un-wiser. So for the sake of passing on experience to the people I care for, sharing the things I learn along the way could hopefully help others with their own struggles. That way, we all get wiser through time.
The Gift of a Smile
I have always been told that smiles are priceless. I surely can attest to that. Sometimes, when you feel like nothing in your life is going right anymore, a smile from a friend helps lift all that load from your back for even just a while. So if you need someone to feel good with, youll know who to come to.
These gifts wont cost me a single cent now, would they?So if ever you feel like you need them, dont forget that Ill try my best to give you these
priceless presents from me. :)

Just a few hours to go. :)