Monday, March 26, 2007
Bittersweet Happiness
GoodbAIES: A Tribute to the Seniors
Gram's Diner, Mall of Asia
AIESEC - Its a single word which I couldnt even pronounce in the beginning, yet it's become a big part of my life for the past year. When I think of our cluttered tambayan, I think of my second home, and in many cases, a room filled with memories.
And now, after less than a year of having mingled with people who were once strangers to me, I cant imagine going up to the BA 3rd floor without seeing the same faces that used to welcome me with sunny smiles.
It was here that I found my niche, like many others, who gained a sense of belonging in the rowdy and crazy crowd. And although we have to say goodbye to a good few, we hope that the memories we've shared will draw you back to us.
Congratulations Iara, Emman, Jerome, Jolo, Ian, Beth, (JA, and Jay)!
Thank you for all the fun memories!
Your AIESEC family will miss you!
We wish you all the luck! May you find your place in the real world and hang on for the ride :P

My Pre-19th Birthday Surprise
Dencio's, The Bed Room at Eastwood
I think Ive found the bestest set of friends in college.
I walked into the restaurant without expecting anything but then you guys entered with a bunchload of love. I hope you all know how thankful I am for everything youve done! Words cant express how happy you made me! Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! :D
Love you Breast-Friends! HAHA :)
The Kinky Nikki Boob Cake! Haha! :D
- n|x - was loved at 9:19 AM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Push Play

I would be a hypocrite if I say that I have stopped with my annoying habit of expecting. To anticipate what’s going to happen next or just simply to want to know what’s going on is both a sin I am guilty of and a flaw that I am definitely not proud of. I find it ironic how I often form these crazy and hopeful ideas in my head, wishing for the clichéd movie-like scenes to play before me in reality, complete with a Pause button to prolong my fancied moment. But let’s face it, when Lady Luck refuses to show, you can only go as far as ending up with a big and lousy Stop, or even worse, an Eject.
I am afraid I cannot, for the life of me, stop demanding. It is from knowing what I deserve that this mere insistence thrives. I also know myself to be a person who hesitates. If ever I do dare to go beyond that hesitation, I’m still the kind who that takes a step one, without having a step two. Those rare moments come only at a time when I feel the need to spare myself from either further regret or futile heartbreak. But regardless of how I continually play it safe, it’s still because I know what I want and what I am worthy of.
After all is said and done, it all boils down to how and why they realize or fall short of my expectations. It may prove the lesser of the evils to not take it against the person at fault as it also bears out my own oversight of unfairly expecting more than I should have. But because I am the new me, I want to put action into these clairvoyant thoughts. My right to anticipate for more ends where someone else’s will and intent begins. Until I find that someone who will be brave and willing enough to break and even surpass my expectations, only then will I be able to push that green and shiny Play button and let the show, that is my life, go on.
- was officially my last day of school as a Freshman. Ever.
- was officially the last day of school for the graduating Seniors. EVER. :(
- I went to school to take 2 long exams and managed to come out alive.
Mara, Alexis, and I went to Bo's Coffee and spent hours talking just about everything we could think of. From tan lines, high school, dirty secrets, weight issues, getting wasted, getting stoned, getting married and of course, that certain boy (and all the other boys) - I loved every bit of it.
Ah, nothing beats the timeless happifying girl talk ;)
- n|x - was loved at 2:01 AM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Weekly Horoscope
Monday and Tuesday you're more enthusiastic -- not in a fake way, in a real way -- than you've been in weeks. That's about everything, including your love life. Although it's not romance that gives this week its charge. What propels you this week is the excitement of overcoming challenges, and there are all kinds of challenges in the mix. Energywise, Wednesday and Thursday are slightly lower wattage, but Friday and Saturday (which are the most romantic days of the week, or at least the most flirtatious), you're at top form. Sunday, on the other hand, is heavy. Lots of food may be involved.
I dont know about you, but my horoscopes recently have been freakishly true.
We'll see about Friday and Saturday >:)
- n|x - was loved at 7:06 AM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Happy 18th Birthday Mia!
Mia's Debut March 17 2007Blue Gardens, Commonwealth

Happy Birthday Mia!We Love you! :)
- n|x - was loved at 1:31 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Saturday, March 17, 2007
No matter how much giddiness you get from a picture with a remotely-feasible crush, how weird and awkward it may be to have your past hit it off with another’s present, how overwhelming and profound it may feel to have someone divulge his fondness, and how numbing and muffled it seems to have a talk with a recent would-be, in the end, it all boils down to who’s holding your hand in your dreams.
I watched
The Pursuit of Happyness with Malco and Alexis today. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to feel inspired! I more or less cried after every scene. Haha :P
I'll be in UA&P the whole day today for the AIESEC ICX Meeting. Then in the evening, Chrissie, Alexis, and I are hitching a ride with AJ to Mia's Debut.
Tonight'll be the first time were going to see each other looking all prettified and debonair. Aylavit. :)
- n|x - was loved at 12:29 AM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Thursday, March 15, 2007
oh happy day! <3
If you want to have what youve never had, then you must do what youve never done before. Because if you only do what youve always been doing, you will only have what youve always been having.
Alexis' favorite pic
(and no, its not because of Sir, me, or Chrissie - but do check out Sir J's face haha!)

(i just hope no one who knows him sees this o: haha!)
I know I look stupid in both pictures since I walked along AS before going through the bumpy TOKI ride to the gym, but what the heck, I still got these pictures to make my day, week, month! :D
I am so enrolling for those Streetdance summer classes. Hahaha!
WalaLangCrushes are way more fun :P
Im excited for Mia's debut! Woot woot!
- n|x - was loved at 5:27 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Crime and Passion
I woke up with the words "crime" and "prisons" smooching me on the face this morning. I had fallen asleep while drowning in Social Science concepts, and yet I dont feel the least bit near my Professor's crazed brilliance.
My supposed "cameo appearance" in my debut film (aka Monica's production for their Broad Comm class) was also postponed, so I would have to put off being the next Eva Longoria for now. Zany, I know.
I then had a sudden craving for happifiers, so I decided to walk under the scorching sun all the way to Cello's and indulge in delectable pieces of heaven. Overwhelmed by the saccharine overload, I walked back to Starbucks to make use of my 100-peso GC which I myself previously bought for academic reasons.
With jazz music playing in the background, I so leisurely sipped from my usual Choco Chip Frap and strategized my line of attack against the enemy, that is Calculus. Two men, one stout like Santa and the other feeble-looking like McDonald's, were on the table to my left, while a group of school girls were on the corner to my right. Some were talking about boys and the others were discussing a play, but I was too preoccupied with how I found natural logarithm so unnatural when I had previously felt it destined for me (as it spelled my initials backwards) to even rudely eavesdrop.
An hour passed with my nose still stuck to the yellow pad filled with what seemed to me like half of the letters of the alphabet jumbled to make my life more challenging. After exhausting my cool pen of its red, green, blue, and black inks, I finally decided to go back to my dorm and go on with my battle against boredom.
After a couple of hours more of critical brain-draining, the interruption of two gay guys talking about their youd-never-imagine-how-colorful love lives right in front of me signalled the end of my day as a nerd. Never mind the fact that these two true-blue members of the federasyon seemed to have outdone me in the field of making landi the cute chinito guys. I was content with the serenity I had been feeling the whole day as I went through it alone. It surprises me now how I was able to stick to the plans I had made and got them done - all by myself.
It wasnt just the lone walk along the Katipunan stretch or the isolated stay in the coffee shop that made me find this day worthy of being noted. More than that was the sense of complete independence and freedom that I enjoyed without having anything or anyone to be attached to. If the time had been a few years back, I would have remained in solitary confinement and daydreamed with my eyes wide open. But today, it was in being alone that I found unforeseen and genuine contentment.
Commitment was very tempting - once. I am, after all, the queen of urong-sulong, trial and error, laban or bawi. As much as I hate to admit it, I think I still am the epitome of kalabuan. Those who might have wanted to share my Choco Chip Frap with me in the past have their own ladies to escort now. But in spite of everything, Ive still got my eyes peeled. The rest of my noteworthy days are yet to be written, so while Im at it, I shall be on the lookout for potential replacements for the "crime" and "prisons" that had been kissing me throughout the night.
- n|x - was loved at 10:39 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
An Excerpt
Copied from this multiply
"I've been in love before. It's like a narcotic. At first it brings the euphoria of complete surrender. The next day, you want more. You're not addicted yet, but you like the sensation, and you think you can still control things. You think about the person you love for two minutes, and forget them for three hours. But then you get used to that person, and you begin to be completely dependent on them. Now you think about him for three hours and forget him for two minutes. If he's not there, you feel like an addict who can't get a fix. And just as addicts steal and humiliate themselves to get what they need, you're willing to do anything for love."
-By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept
- n|x - was loved at 9:07 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
because i got bored at four in the morning
Breaking Hearts
“It seems like you’re making a habit out of breaking hearts, “she said.
Little did she know that with every utterance of sorry, every squirming encounter, every awkward pause, every graceless effort to evade, every attempt to disappear, every shot at turning numb, every word choked on, every surge of tears, and every attempt to declare a passing goodbye…another heart is silently whimpering, trying to beat steadfastly, with little room for a lull.
Find, Replace, Select
Content is of great importance, but we must not underrate the value of continually wanting more. When you choose to keep on coming back to your preferred place of refuge, without hesitation or doubt that it is where you want to be, that’s being content. Perhaps the bravery you fall back on is a mere symptom of the very contentment you wish to make yourself think of and eventually believe. But not too far from this, is the itch that refuses to stand still. It is that foolishly existent itch that makes you crave for more, more, and even more.
However, one must know that the very things that can satisfy this craving cannot be made – you find them. It is not unusual for us to try to look for answers thinking that once they are found, we can finally have something to rest our heads on. Hoping against all hope, we sometimes search too hard for things that are already right in front of us. We knock the halos off our heads in the course of running after the carrot being lured to the hungry rabbits that we all become. Crying wolf to oneself by constantly conditioning the fumbling mind heightens the excitement that comes with finding the anticipated, and the unexpected, and the unknown.
But the truth remains that, more often than not, this search is done in vain. The ever-so-persistent failures and letdowns are not too hard to recognize once you find yourself back in your own solitary place of refuge. Nevertheless, the want for more and the desire for better things remain worthy of another attempt. You may have to work on it over and over again, but if you’re brave enough to satisfy that undying itch, you’re still going to damn well try.
Pardon the lack of coherence and/or sense. I woke up at an ungodly hour and just had to do something. Wehehe.
Have a safe trip and fun stay in Korea, Tanya!
We'll super duper miss you! :*
- n|x - was loved at 10:07 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Advice From Oprah About Men
I know this is anything but timely for me. I have no "man" in my life after all (as equivocal as it may sound - and please, dont ask. HAHA). I havent found the time to actually lie down on my bed, open a word document, and finally type down all the mental notes Ive taken and all the withheld ideas Ive been keeping. I also have pending replies to give, and imminent answers to reveal. But for now, for lack of a better entry (and because all three of my brothers are right behind me), Ill only be posting this list that I found in Eibee's LJ. Why am I reposting it? Well, its from Oprah, isnt it? :)
* If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
* If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.
* Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.
* Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
* Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.
* Keep him in your radar but get to know others.
* Slower is better.
* Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
* If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends".
* A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
* Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
* Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
* The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
* Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
* Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
* Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
* If something bothers you, speak up.
* Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
* You cannot change a man's behaviour. Change comes from within.
* Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job.
* Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
* Never let a man define who you are.
* Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.
* A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
* You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is two way street.
* You need time to heal between relationships...
* There is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.
* You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you... a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals... look for someone complimentary... not supplementary.
* Dating is fun... even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.
* Make him miss you sometimes... when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him – he takes it for granted.
* Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need.
- n|x - was loved at 8:43 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Friday, March 09, 2007
Ive finally found SAM-one
Oh saaaaaaaaaam! :x
This truly is the mother of all infatuations. HAHAHA. :)
Listen to my blog's background music. Its my current favoriteeeest song! :x
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
- n|x - was loved at 4:42 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
daniella in diliman
Look at who Chrissie and I met with this afternoon :P

Danielleeeeeeeeee! :* Oh, and Mikey and her blockmates were there too. :P
Quotable Quotes from Maam Abola (our English prof):
While discussing this poem:
One Art
by Elizabeth Bishop
The art of losing isnt hard to master
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent
The art of losing isnt hard to master
Then practice losing farther, losing faster
places, and names and where it was meant for you
to travel. None of these will bring disaster
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went
The art of losing isnt hard to master
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent
I miss them, but it wasnt a disaster
- Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love)
I shant have lied. Its evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
thought it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
"What can you see? What is happening? That is the first question you ask. There are material conditions to hold on to.""In the end, this person wasnt the same. Youre just trying to convince yourself that the loss doesnt hurt, but really, its all in the manner that we grieve for the loss. Its still there, echoing in your life. Youre left with no choice but to write about it, even though youll know it'll never go away."
Wala lang. I just felt like posting the nice poem. I miss writing poems. Bleh.
I know I have a ton of things to write about, but I really dont have enough time to stay here in the internet shop and type away about my not-so-boring life. My laptop's with my brother this week, but it's all good. At least my hell week's over, and it sure was a hell week made in heaven.
Okay, that was lame, I know (haha), but the whole of AIESEC Week was a fantabulously great.!Kudos to everyone in thebestoc and the Drill team! Fire Drill was an effing BIG SUCCESS! :)
Idadaan ko na lang sa napakadaming pitchoors! :)
AIESEC Week Grand Launch

AIESEC Week Amazing Race

AIESEC Week Culminating Night: FIRE DRILL
Absinth, Greenbelt 3
go to my multiply: for pictures :Dgotta go now! Im off to uh, Manila tomorrow to help our Polish trainee with his Visa. bwahaha!
byee! :)
Okay fine, di na ako magtataray. :))
- n|x - was loved at 7:51 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
Thursday, March 01, 2007
hot and cold
I am tired but fulfilled.
I am drained but excited.
You are draining but I am guilty.
Nangangayayat na ako from not eating properly. Boo.
FIRE DRILL in 2 days! :)
- n|x - was loved at 11:41 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~
[ So Emo ]
Some of these poems were written years ago, so pardon the excessive mawkishness.
oh and the act of plagiarizing, that is taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own, is just wrong.
[ Unearthed ]
I used to wish I could fly
The classic dream to get away from realityâ??s realm
I am but a tiny part of the sky
Just like the world I am living in
I have been introduced to heaven
Only to take an unkind fall to the ground
To rupture the spell of earthen
Onto which my essence is bound
I am on a quest to find the lost city
Where my refuge was built on rare site
I shant be taken aback by the affinity
Of the dream I foresee every night
[ Almighty ]
You are my mercenary
The one who lurks within the grave
The eye behind my head
For whom this cradle has been made
You are my mastermind
The creator of the ephemeral plan
The brain behind the grid
For whom I offer both my hands
You are my confidant
THe sole keeper of my wrath
The bridge of broken roads
For whom I cross thy father's path
You are my superior
The hand that holds my very fate
The truth Ill never know
For whom forever cannot wait
[ Unforeseen ]
I forgot all about you in record time
You seemed to have been erased from my mind
Im surprising myself
Im swollen with pride
Now without your lies
Ill be doing just fine
Guess youre not the person I presumed you to be
The most bogus of lines I always perceived
Im surprising myself
All filled with apathy
Look from afar
Foresee what youve done to me
Youre still held by those chains
Of what seemed like fatal pain
Im surprising myself
First-hand guilt had remained
Watch out young chap
Theres nothing youve gained
By far you were a dream that realized
But now with you rouge I sympathize
Im surprising myself
Ive now won the prize
To you I say goodbye
For you have met your demise
[ Stay Alive ]
I started down the trail
Alone and frail
With eyes at my back
I worked my way through
With every step I gasped
Knowing I wouldnt last
With shivering hands
I boldly staggered
Searched for refuge and fodder
To escape my own slaughter
Slowly I crept up the hill
A touch of life was found
I then lay on the ground
For on that very mound
With my arms wide open
I offered myself to you
I stood up on both feet
With no stain of conceit
I bowed before you
And freed my entirety
[ Mile ]
You cant blame me for being a dreamer
For the whole world dreams with me
Dare to think badly of my fantasy
I am living a life of imaginings
A victim of a world full of illusions
Seeing things that arent really there
Through the mist that has blinded me
I shall survive in my lair
The tongue of misunderstood feats
Tangled thoughts struggling to unravel
I have come to dig an endless hole
Gamble with life and jump
I have been ready for so long now
But no one dares
To even stop for a while
A love en route for you
Take the path and walk a mile
An unsent message creeps into my mind
I hear your voice from behind
A course full of high risks
I fall into a trance
Distractions let me be
The deafening sound of silence
An eye hidden from beneath
The sharp mouth cut through me
A spectacle of intense passion
I daze into the light
It shines through the darkness
I head for the beautiful sight
I have been raring to search for you
But I stay static
And remain euphoric
I stay here with a smile
Take the path and walk a mile
[ Here...I Wait ]
Here I lie again
On the bed of dreams
The desolate cradle of my core
I wait for your call
Here I bask again
On the crib of fears
The taut embrace I once felt
I wait for your plea
Here I sprawl again
On the cot of delusion
The words you spoke cut through me
I wait for your defense
Here I linger again
On the bunk of doubt
The grace of your stare so well-hidden
I wait for your declaration of guilt
Here I rest again
On the cushion of tears
The spiteful strangling of my essence
I wait for your feeble excuse
Here I wait again
On the floor of cowardice
The weakness I wrangle with
I wait for youâ?¦still
[ I Am Not ]
Fear is looking me in the eye
It glints with clout and authority
I succumb to its overpowering dominance
I might as well die
I fall into a trance
Into a stupor filled with uncertainty
Into a place where I am...
I am not
I want to break away from it all
Wipe out all the confusion
And go back to the real world
Where I am not
I want to evade the hurt and pain
Break away from all the sorrow
And wake up once again
To the sweet grief of life
The overwhelming anguish
The crushing agony
Its getting worse every moment
I am not
The drops of gratifying pleasure
The descent of all bliss
It has all come down to misfortune
Of what I am not
Sad are the tales recounted
Poor are the stories told
A myriad of thoughts flooding
Though I was not
Signified are all the emotions
Not felt
Not shown
Not caressed
Let it all out in the open
To where I am not
In this vast meadow of lies
We shall live our separate lives
Still I will wait and linger
For what I am not
I will try to decipher
I will believe and deem
I will hold on forever
Till I am not
I shall not let go
I shall not lose grip
I will not let you slip away
I am not
[ Gaea ]
Tell me when youre done
Counting the stars in the sky
Our feet firm on the ground
Anon show me how to fly
Catch the falling raindrops
And pour them onto me
Hide me from the suns rays
Still let light shine for you to see
Blow me away like the wind does
Take me to a faraway land
Dive into our secret sea
And we shall end up by the sand
Climb the highest mountain
I shall meet you at the peak
Hide away in the forest
For your being I shall seek
Dig deep into the ground
Make our own secret cave
On top of the trees you shall find
The love you shall save
Between the earth and heaven
I am yours
You are mine
Between the sea and stars
Till the very end of time
[ Passage ]
To the night that seemed so distant
I fled from the racing ire
With no boundaries, no margins, no chains and wires
I was constrained to meet an end
To the stars that seemed so far
I jumped down to the gorge so deep
With no one to hang on to, I fell
I tumbled deep into the sinister dark
To the clouds that seemed so elusive
I flew to the sky so broad
With no one to catch me, I faltered
I faded off into the heavens so grand
To the deep seas that seemed so endless
I wavered to go beyond the horizon
With no sign of life, I trembled
I drowned from the overwhelming tears
To the crevice that seemed so immense
I lay within to fill the hole
With no recognizable hand to help me through
I remained trapped and in me lingered hope
[ Seem ]
I keep climbing but I cant seem to reach the top
I keep on singing but no one hears me out
The sun keeps shining but why is it always dark?
You keep talking, true lies spill from you mouth
I take it all in, but I cant seem to taste
Dark clouds loom over you, but you still seem chaste
Im sewing them all together, but I cant make them whole
My body is visible, but I have no soul
Im a living being, but it appears that Im dead
Im still grieving over the haughty things that you said
I stand as the crow flies, but I stand in shame
I can picture your face but I canâ??t utter your name
Seeing things that are invisible to the eye
Im laughing out loud, but inside I cry
I am wide awake, but Im living in a dream
Im smiling, but surely
things arenâ??t always like they seem...
[ Sabi Mo ]
Sabi nilaâ?¦
Swerte daw akot kasama kita
Sa araw araw na kapiling ka
Parang wala nang hihilingin pa
Sabi nilaâ?¦
Para daw tayo sa isat isa
Tayoy pinagtagpo ng tadhana
Di na hahanap pa ng iba
Sabi nila...
Iba ang nakikita nila sa atin
Mga mata natiy nagniningning
Dalawang taong may pagaangkin
Sabi nilaâ?¦
Pakinggan ang bulong ng puso
Di bat nagmamahalan na kayo?
Ano pa ngayon ang hinihintay nyo?
Sabi ko namanâ?¦
Di ko maipapaliwanag pa
Kung ano itong nadarama
Tuwing kasama ko siya
Sabi koâ?¦
Twing nakatingin sa kanyang mata
Di na ko makahinga pa
Mundo koy hawak nya
Sabi koâ?¦
Matagal ko nang tinatago
Akoy matagal nang nagsusumamo
Para lamang sa iyong puso
Sabi koâ?¦
Di na kayang itago pa
Sana ngayoâ??y alam mo na
Mahal na mahal kitaâ?¦
Sabi mo namanâ?¦
Ano bang iniisip nila?
Tayoy laging magkasama
At laging masaya?
Sabi moâ?¦
Bakit ka ba laging nakatingin?
Tila may gustong sabihin
Bat di mo pa aminin?
Sabi moâ?¦
Ginugulo mo lang ang isip ko
Dibat magkaibigan tayo?
Ngayoy bakit ganito?
Sabi mo..
Dibat sinabi ko sayo
Di tayo kailanman magtatagpo..
Dahil and sabi koâ?¦
di ikaw ang mahal ko..
[ Araw-Gabi ]
Sa ilalim ng mga bituin
Nakatitig ako sa langit
Sa langit ng walang-hanggang kalaliman
Maaari kayang ikay nakatingala rin at nag-iisip
Nag-iisip sa kawalanâ?¦
Ako ang laman ng isipanâ?¦
Walang ingayâ?¦
Walang bosesâ?¦
Parang langit
Ikaw lang ang naririnig ko
Pangalan moâ??y sinisigaw ng puso.
Ang gabiy lumalalim
At ikaw ang kapiling
Gawin nating atin ang gabi...
Dumaan ang oras, at ang araw ay lumabas...
Lumiwanag ang langit, may ilaw, may ngitiâ?¦
Ang umagay dumating
Ang pagmamahal ay sapitin
Bagong araw ay atin...
Nagsumpaan tayong dalawa
Wala ng iba
Kundi ikaw at ako
Ang araw at ang bwan
Araw...gabi....araw at gabi...atin lamang..
[ Dazed and Confused ]
What am I to believe?
All the lies and deceit
It has all come upon me
He speaks of things I cannot grasp
What am I to believe?
Who am I to seek?
I am worthy of the truth and the real
I am forgotten by the past
Stupefied by the emotions
Infatuation lingers and reigns
What am I to believe?
So I say...
If you want to show me then do so
My eyes are free to see the light
If you want me to tell me then do so
My ears have been listening since forever
[ Deep ]
Suffocating gush of queries arise
As the wind blows wearily in the course of the night
Irksome jostling of shrouded emotions
The flailing hand ready to say goodbye
No right to proclaim, No right to utter
The deafening cry of the saddened heart
Such gratifying regrets I have come to reveal
Craving for love, for a touch of passion so real
The lush of contradictions and pains
Overwhelming desire for blunt happiness
The face full of beauty has come to wither
Now a smile is hopeless without life to savor
The never dying anguish I have come to accept
The living elements vigorously work against me
A promise not to live a life of regret
Locked up inside, never to be broken
Clinging to the words you sweetly spoke
Thin-skinned words which went right through me
The baffling thrust of hurt could be seen
Like a cascade of waters put on view
Reminiscing the moments we could have relished
Doors were unentered and gates grew vulnerable
A drop of tear is nowhere to be found
Nevertheless a birth of a flowing river came about
[ Drawn-Out ]
High-stake feeling
Rampaging over the spot
All drunken and unaware
Of the reckless pain love can cause
Staying with the feeling
Tracking the source
In the arms of waiting fondness
Brought down without a fight
Stealing a ton of tears
Getting your first break
Blinded by the flashing lights
Pushing you to your limit
The clear fog of blindness
Charging through your back
Spotting the real suspect
Of the injuries caused
Stunned and injured
Bruised heart bleeding all over
Setting you on fire
A series of heartbreaks
No place is too far
You cant hide from it
Vengeance and hatred
Looks are deceiving
Passion homicide
Outrageous outbreaks
The coast is clear for the end
Finally all worn out
[ Believe ]
It is beneath you to even stop deeming
take the bitter with the sweet
hold on to it, hold on tight
in a breathless effort to live
you are boom as a being
dont turn away to hide your face
bound your desires and live
you are one beauty of our time
love brewing within you
shout it out onto the world
take such steps as seem called for
crave out a life for yourself
remind me of your promise
dont be a victim of itâ??s charms
chiefly composed of cruelty
dont succumb, be strong
decisions alter circumstances
circumstances alter cases
never settle for whats not good enough
always take a step higher, aim high
seems that everything combines against you
dont fret, hold on, be strong
go command over yourself
clear your mind of doubt, move on
do not degrade yourself
no cheating, no lies
you are what you are
you shall be what you can be
just believe...
[ I Could Have ]
I could have been a beauty queen, if only I had the beauty
I could have been a movie star, if only I had a movie
I could have been what you were waiting for, though you werent waiting
I could have been the girl you loved, if only we werent hating
I could have cut my hair short, but I was already losing em
I could have saved you a seat, but I knew you werent comin
I could have waited for your call, but I kept the phone hanging
I could have been the love of your life, but sadly now were nothing
I could not help myself from falling for you
I couldâ??nt have avoided it coz you were falling too
I could have followed my head and said no
But Im not, I wont, my heart says so
I could have been a better person, but alas I am not
I could have been the one for you, boy, that would mean a lot
I could have made my dreams come true if only I were awake
There could have been a me and you, but everythings at stake
I could have done this and that, thats why now I do regret
I could have kept our memories, but I shall just forget
I could have looked you in the eye, but I was the one who turned away
I could have loved you with all my heart, if only you could stay
I could not go on any longer for I couldnt bear the pain
I could have cried the whole night while you were calling out her name
We could have been something you know, or is it just me?
We could have been together, if only she had set you free
I could have let go of you, but I wasnt, I was holding on
I could have released my hurt, but how could I? It was long gone
No pain could compare to the way you made me feel
I could have thought you loved me, pretending nothings real
I could have returned the favor, but I didnt want to give it back
I could have completed you, but there are things that we still lack
I could have loved you too, like the way you had loved me
It could have happened, It could still happen...
If only shell set you free
[ Impaired ]
I see you looking at her...
Her long black hair that I havent got
Her glistening eyes looking back at you
Her beguiling smile
Her beatific face
Makes me look down on myself
The ill fate that has thwarted my path
The tangible reality of my misfortune
Everything she has that I havent got
Envious of the sight
Hurting inside
I numb the ache
You see me look at you...
Your luminous smile shows your glee
Your surreal eyes filled with depth
Your enthralling splendor
I am lost in thought
I turn away
I avert my vista
I look away and hope
That you wouldnt see the tears
Why should you see me like this?
I am just a sham
Just anguish waiting to be felt
I deaden the pain
Weakened by the prejudice
Spoiled by all harm
Mitigated by false hopes
Loved yet impaired
[ Melancholy ]
Deep thoughts swim under the vast sea of notions
Jaded sentiments inhabit the jungle of fears
A solitary feeling in its dwelling place
They wasted it all
Lampooning life with sears
Ignore my tears for they fall for you
The rivers are filled
Drops of crystal blue
Misguided is my heart for all roads lead to you
Hoping that youd find your way to me too
The spectacle of fright is much to blunt to even be seen
Should have, could haves, what might have been
Countless winded paths that I dared to take
Loving you was a choice I had to make
Maybe tomorrow everythings going to change
Things will be fine
Things will be over
Please tell me they will be
Please tell me it will not last
False hopes are killing me
Its the things that I just canâ??t see
That make my life miserable
But uncertainty is a truth I just cant erase
To turn back the hands of time
Would be like you falling for me
I guess there are things in life
That really just cant be
If only you could see the beauty in me...
Id give up eternity to bring back the love that was once there
Stop whining
Stop lying
You might run out of things to say
Stop smearing that deceitful smile on your face
I know youâ??re guilty
Youâ??re the culprit of my heart
We almost had it
We were almost there
Everything just fell apart
Pain I just cant bear
My heart is filled with scars they left behind
Take those words and hurt me
Stab me straight in the mind
Ill let all the blood out
Ill let it all flow
Donâ??t worry tears wont fall
I wont let it show
Thats how your game goes
Hiding behind the silhouetted truth
Why dont you just come out in the open
And for once say things that are true
Im so tired of waiting
Im so tired of hoping
Its so hard to wait for something
That will never be coming
I may wait for eternity
I may wait till later
But I will leave my heart here
Just in case you remember
that thereâ??s still someone here
Loving you..
[ Inner-vity ]
My notions absorb me..
I live in abundance yet crave for more
this is abuse of the confidence youâ??ve has placed in me
there is teeming proof of my guilt
My thoughts drown me...
my behaviour does not accord with my principles
yet i continue on stepping to the fore
still i wont acknoledge myself beaten
My judgment engulfs me...
i never dare act the fool
judge me by actions not promises
no remorse do i feel for my deeds
My wisdom saturates me...
i stand in the face of adversity
i stare at it with a smile
i dare not cry, i dare not fall
My views sink within me...
i am held in great affection
yet i struggle to be free from the chains
in a state of agitation, i lie
My lies drill into me..
im in agony of shame
dont take it amiss, i do say
not an atom of truth in my face
My feelings go under me...
dont attempt impossibilities
base your hopes upon your view
dont liken yourself to me
[ to be continued... ]
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