You know you are way past the apex of boredom when even stalking doesnt satisfy your gauge of merriment. My body is on red alert (e.i. emptying the fridge of all its contents, getting an overdose of cable TV) for I am experiencing a critical shortage of happifiers. Considering that it has only been two days since Christmas, I should be compelled to "spread cheer, hope, and happiness" to the whole wide world. But alas, my deprivation of any worthwhile activities and decent DSL connection for the past few hours have been stopping me from doing so.
So to rid myself of any further symptoms of depression (haha), I hogged the PC in my brother's room and abused Limewire for all its worth. I probably downloaded around a hundred songs just because I was craving for some tender loving music. Being the neophyte
Grey's Anatomy fan that I am, I decided to download every song from the two sountracks that have been released. I also found this site that posted all the songs used on every episode of all three seasons. Talk about song-hoarding.
My fondness of the first two seasons of
The OC also got me downloading the rest of the songs from all five mixes. Oh, and the latest season feels so incomplete without Marissa. Ryan and Taylor? Its cute, but weird. The drama isnt as "attaching" as it used to be. As if I dont have enough drama in my life... Hahaha.
*Sigh* Ugh. So bored. Might as well answer surveys. :P
Got this one from
Ma's multiply.2007 is just a few days away! It's time to bring out those year-end surveys!
What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?I got drunk (well, people got me drunk); graduated Top 7 *boasting*; got my driver's license; planned a party; attended, participated, and had a debut/debuts; DROVE FROM BATANGAS TO MUNTINLUPA (MANUAL) :D; went out to watch a movie/eat on a school night; rode the MRT/LRT; commuted/rode taxis; lived away from home; sleptover; took care of wasted boys :P; went out of town with JUST friends; did some serious marketing; was out very late without worrying about my parents looking for me; got into a real college organization; passed UP. :D
Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?I didnt make resolutions, but listed a number of predictions instead. (Refer to previous entry)
Did anyone close to you give birth?Yes.
Did anyone close to you die?Yes.
What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?Discipline - in studying, eating, and sleeping. More money. And how about a decent love life? Haha!
What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory?I suck at remembering actual dates. But Im great at reminiscing. :P
What was your biggest achievement of the year?(Ive got a lot so allow me to feel good about myself. HAHA.)
Graduating top 7 in my batch; writing the lyrics for GSET; passing UP, La Salle, Ateneo, and UST and getting into my first choices; commuting alone in Quezon City!; driving a manual car. Lol.
What was your biggest failure?Not having said goodbye to my Lolo personally before he passed away.
And missing being a University Scholar by .35 o:
Did you suffer illness or injury?Yes. Occasional flu attacks. o:
What was the best thing you bought?I rarely buy things for myself. How about that hair straightener? Haha!
Where did most of your money go?Fooooooood and going out. Oh, and credits! O:
What did you get really, really, really excited about?Graduating from high school. Bargas parties. First day of college. Debuts. Landbank gig. Sta Rosa/Tagaytay trip. AIESEC Week. :P
What song(s) will always remind you of 2006?Ever After. Ugh. Love Generation. Chasing Cars. And how can we forget Narda? Hahaha.
Compared to this time last year, are you:i. happier or sadder? Way happier! :)
ii. thinner or fatter? depends. Ive been getting really fat -then thin - then fat again - a lot. Weird.
iii. richer or poorer? Poorer. I do get a bigger allowance, but Ive been spending way too much too.
What do you wish you'd done more?Exercise. Read. Sleep. Write. STUDY.
What do you wish you'd done less of?Eat. :| And tambay? Haha.
What was your favorite TV program?Grey's Anatomy, Lost, and The OC. <3
What did you want and get?Getting into BAA. More dancing. That 1.75 in Math17 (okay nako dun, lol). Great new friends. A busier life. More freedom. A laptop!! And a charm bracelet. :)
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Had a party for the batch before graduation. But on my actual birthday, I ate out with my family - then was surprised by Boggs, Tim, and Jana when they visited me at home. :) I turned eighteen (oo na, matanda na ako).
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?If I had met up with my high school friends more. And if I had travelled more. And if I had gotten a new phone instead of losing my old one. :(
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?Flowery skirts daw? Haha. Um, I just wear whatever i feel like wearing. :P
What kept you sane?The people Ive come to love in AIESEC. My best friends. The internet. YM + my blog. My roommates. My brothers. :)
What political issue stirred you the most?Sino ang tatapos? Morales vs Pacquiao. Hahaha. Just kidding.
The TOFI issue in UP. Im pro.
Who did you miss?High school barkada. Sr-G. Search-inners. Certain people ;)
Who was the best new person you met?(Let me list a good bunch..) Alexis, my long lost twin. Ricoy, my fellow jologs. Jer-emo, everyone's stalker. Cara, my mother. Eva, my shrink. Henri, our dear Shasha. Emman and Ayen, my inquisitors. Crisette, our Abigail. AJ and Denise, for never failing to make me laugh. BJ Mmaniackk (Kat, Kay, Malco, Basti, Mara, Marian, plus Dre, etc.) for all the memories weve had together. The whole of AIESEC UP-D, for making my freshman year a blast. Ryan and Mikki, my SocSci buddies.Brenda and Marie, my roommates. at marami pang iba! :D
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
Take risks. Fear shouldnt stop you from caring for someone.
Never miss a chance to be with your family.
And taking from Ma and Meredith Grey:
"At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. Its like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And its not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you , and once in a while people may even take your breath away."
What did you like most about yourself this year?Ive learned to believe in myself more. Really. :) The optimism and faith has gotten me a long way.
What did you hate most about yourself this year?My lack of discipline.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"You could be happy, I hope you are
You made me happier than Id been by far"
Was 2006 a good year for you?Definitely. Ive never been happier and more satisfied :)
What was your favorite moment of the year?UBE at the Sunken Garden with Chrissie and Alexis. We talked for hours while lying on the grass and staring at the sky while being serenaded by guys with guitars in the background. :P
What was your least favorite moment of the year?Receiving that text while I was in Starbucks with Fio and Chrissie.
Where were you when 2006 began?Here in Muntinlupa.
Who were you with?Family.
Where will you be when 2006 ends?Down sooouth. In santa rosa :P
Who will you be with when 2006 ends?Family again.
Do you have a new years resolution for 2007?No. But Ill be making a new set of predictions. :P
What was your favorite month of 2006?March
and the last few months of the year.
What was your favorite record from 2006?Alicia Keys' Unplugged.
Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2006?Enough I believe. Lol.
You do anything you are ashamed of this year?OMG. Making a mess after Justin's party.
Sorry Chrissie! o:
What was your proudest moment of 2006?Finding out that I got into UP with BAA as my course. :)
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2006?I just laugh at all my embarrassing moments anyway.
Oh oh, I remember! When crush1 caught me "rejoicing" after seeing him. HAHA.
He turned his back and saw me raising my hands while silently uttering "YES!". He caught me doing that and gave me this mischievous smile. He had that smile on his face until he reached the end of the hall I think. Pang-movie, diba? Haha! (Lets just hope he doesnt read this, lol)
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2006 and change something, what would it be?
I wouldve gone to Lipa with my family to visit my Lolo for the very last time.
And I wouldve prioritized Math17 and wouldnt have cut my NatSci2 classes too. Boo. Lol.
What are your plans for 2007?Get better grades for the second sem, live through BA 99.1 and 99.2 and all my other major subjects for my soph year, make AIESEC week an effing success! :P
How are you different now that the year has ended?Ive learned to look past the difficulties and anticipate the satisfaction of overcoming them. Im braver now too. :P
What are your wishes for the new year?
Aside from the usual wishes for my family and world peace (haha), better grades (US na dapat), live through my first dive into BA /stat, etc., more UBEs with friends, and <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 102, 0);">
Happy New Year everyone! :)