Sunday, December 31, 2006

The last day of oh-six
I cried, I cut myself, and I got burned...

while cooking, that is.

My Dad's an excellent cook, and my Mom even admits it herself. For as long as I can remember, he's dragged me to the kitchen every New Year to help him cut, slice, dice, peel, fry, stir, boil, and grill even. I know I have to seriously learn how to cook on my own (for the sake of my
survival once I start living on my own or uh, get married) but for the meantime, I think Im going to indulge in being the glutton that I am now. *big grin on face*

We got home at around 4am this morning after visiting a distant relative's wake. The normal "oh, ang laki laki mo na! Dati ganito ka pa lang kaliit oh!" comments were given of course. It's a good thing they dont know that I had stopped growing since I was sixteen. No matter how hard I try to jump up and down, wishing Id finally hit the door frame, with all the fireworks and noise in the background every New Year, my bones still refuse to spare me even just an inch. But despite that deprivation, (and having brothers who are WAY taller than me already) being vertically-challenged isnt that bad. :P

Speaking of brothers, I just found out yesterday that my brothers are HEARTTHROBS!
Nino told me about the time three grade seven girls approached him and asked him if he was Deni's (my other brother) brother. Then he said that they told him that they all had a crush on Deni. *giggles*
And Deni has similar stories about Nino. *giggles some more*

Ang cute, diba? AHAHA! :)

Anyway, I only decided to write here coz Im getting really bored from doing my paper for Eng11. I still have to work on another paper for Geog, read a whole book about popular movements (yes, rallies) in the Philippines, and (omygahd) I still have to study for an Exam in Kas1. Boo. Oh, and I still have to finalize things for @week. o:

Guess my break is over. But that wont stop me from saying hello to 2007! :)

- n|x - was loved at 3:38 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Friday, December 29, 2006

Dreaming With My Eyes Open
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I have many dreams. Some I proudly tell the world, the rest I keep within the confines of my own mind. Secretly wanting something so unattainable may seem foolish to the unwary man, but to me, it remains as wishful thinking. It may go against evidence or rationality, but it definitely is pleasing to imagine.

Fear and uncertainty have plagued these dreams for as long as I can remember. One cant help but feel for the people who are afraid of letting their guard down, forgetting their pride, or even worse, breaking their hearts. But the risk that they fail to take is a chance that might never come their way again.

I've learned that running away from what you fear only keeps you trapped inside your own fences. Instead of going around in circles, unable to break the chain, you should run towards something that will eventually embrace you once you reach the finish line. At first, you may be able to dodge the very punches thrown at you, but you can only avoid them for so long. Once you get tired of eluding the minor blows, sooner or later, you will be knocked down by your own weakness. And from that frailty, you will fleetingly fall with only hope that someone will be there to catch you in time.

I still fearlessly dream. Closing my eyes to fall into the blankness and obscurity of reality to witness cut scenes I badly wish would carry on until I wake – that has been my way of revisiting my personal dreamland where I always land the lead role. In those reveries, I am the lead who jumps off a building, crashes a car, walks the wire, dives into the sea, and comes out of an explosion with nothing more than a scar in the eye. But despite that imagined immortality, I still yearn for that dreaming to finally die out. Eventually, I just want to live it - to live it, perhaps still with fear or uncertainty, but with enough heart to dare to ultimately fall in love. To fall deeply in love, even with my eyes open.

- n|x - was loved at 1:31 PM
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~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

dahil mahirap mag log in sa YM at may topak ang DSL...
You know you are way past the apex of boredom when even stalking doesnt satisfy your gauge of merriment. My body is on red alert (e.i. emptying the fridge of all its contents, getting an overdose of cable TV) for I am experiencing a critical shortage of happifiers. Considering that it has only been two days since Christmas, I should be compelled to "spread cheer, hope, and happiness" to the whole wide world. But alas, my deprivation of any worthwhile activities and decent DSL connection for the past few hours have been stopping me from doing so.

So to rid myself of any further symptoms of depression (haha), I hogged the PC in my brother's room and abused Limewire for all its worth. I probably downloaded around a hundred songs just because I was craving for some tender loving music. Being the neophyte Grey's Anatomy fan that I am, I decided to download every song from the two sountracks that have been released. I also found this site that posted all the songs used on every episode of all three seasons. Talk about song-hoarding.

My fondness of the first two seasons of The OC also got me downloading the rest of the songs from all five mixes. Oh, and the latest season feels so incomplete without Marissa. Ryan and Taylor? Its cute, but weird. The drama isnt as "attaching" as it used to be. As if I dont have enough drama in my life... Hahaha.

*Sigh* Ugh. So bored. Might as well answer surveys. :P
Got this one from Ma's multiply.

2007 is just a few days away! It's time to bring out those year-end surveys!

What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?

I got drunk (well, people got me drunk); graduated Top 7 *boasting*; got my driver's license; planned a party; attended, participated, and had a debut/debuts; DROVE FROM BATANGAS TO MUNTINLUPA (MANUAL) :D; went out to watch a movie/eat on a school night; rode the MRT/LRT; commuted/rode taxis; lived away from home; sleptover; took care of wasted boys :P; went out of town with JUST friends; did some serious marketing; was out very late without worrying about my parents looking for me; got into a real college organization; passed UP. :D

Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didnt make resolutions, but listed a number of predictions instead. (Refer to previous entry)

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did anyone close to you die?

What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
Discipline - in studying, eating, and sleeping. More money. And how about a decent love life? Haha!

What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory?
I suck at remembering actual dates. But Im great at reminiscing. :P

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
(Ive got a lot so allow me to feel good about myself. HAHA.)
Graduating top 7 in my batch; writing the lyrics for GSET; passing UP, La Salle, Ateneo, and UST and getting into my first choices; commuting alone in Quezon City!; driving a manual car. Lol.

What was your biggest failure?
Not having said goodbye to my Lolo personally before he passed away.
And missing being a University Scholar by .35 o:

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yes. Occasional flu attacks. o:

What was the best thing you bought?
I rarely buy things for myself. How about that hair straightener? Haha!

Where did most of your money go?
Fooooooood and going out. Oh, and credits! O:

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Graduating from high school. Bargas parties. First day of college. Debuts. Landbank gig. Sta Rosa/Tagaytay trip. AIESEC Week. :P

What song(s) will always remind you of 2006?
Ever After. Ugh. Love Generation. Chasing Cars. And how can we forget Narda? Hahaha.

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Way happier! :)
ii. thinner or fatter? depends. Ive been getting really fat -then thin - then fat again - a lot. Weird.
iii. richer or poorer? Poorer. I do get a bigger allowance, but Ive been spending way too much too.

What do you wish you'd done more?
Exercise. Read. Sleep. Write. STUDY.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Eat. :| And tambay? Haha.

What was your favorite TV program?
Grey's Anatomy, Lost, and The OC. <3

What did you want and get?
Getting into BAA. More dancing. That 1.75 in Math17 (okay nako dun, lol). Great new friends. A busier life. More freedom. A laptop!! And a charm bracelet. :)

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Had a party for the batch before graduation. But on my actual birthday, I ate out with my family - then was surprised by Boggs, Tim, and Jana when they visited me at home. :) I turned eighteen (oo na, matanda na ako).

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

If I had met up with my high school friends more. And if I had travelled more. And if I had gotten a new phone instead of losing my old one. :(

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Flowery skirts daw? Haha. Um, I just wear whatever i feel like wearing. :P

What kept you sane?
The people Ive come to love in AIESEC. My best friends. The internet. YM + my blog. My roommates. My brothers. :)

What political issue stirred you the most?
Sino ang tatapos? Morales vs Pacquiao. Hahaha. Just kidding.
The TOFI issue in UP. Im pro.

Who did you miss?
High school barkada. Sr-G. Search-inners. Certain people ;)

Who was the best new person you met?
(Let me list a good bunch..) Alexis, my long lost twin. Ricoy, my fellow jologs. Jer-emo, everyone's stalker. Cara, my mother. Eva, my shrink. Henri, our dear Shasha. Emman and Ayen, my inquisitors. Crisette, our Abigail. AJ and Denise, for never failing to make me laugh. BJ Mmaniackk (Kat, Kay, Malco, Basti, Mara, Marian, plus Dre, etc.) for all the memories weve had together. The whole of AIESEC UP-D, for making my freshman year a blast. Ryan and Mikki, my SocSci buddies.Brenda and Marie, my roommates. at marami pang iba! :D

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
Take risks. Fear shouldnt stop you from caring for someone.
Never miss a chance to be with your family.

And taking from Ma and Meredith Grey:

"At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. Its like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And its not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you , and once in a while people may even take your breath away."

What did you like most about yourself this year?

Ive learned to believe in myself more. Really. :) The optimism and faith has gotten me a long way.

What did you hate most about yourself this year?
My lack of discipline.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"You could be happy, I hope you are
You made me happier than Id been by far"

Was 2006 a good year for you?
Definitely. Ive never been happier and more satisfied :)

What was your favorite moment of the year?
UBE at the Sunken Garden with Chrissie and Alexis. We talked for hours while lying on the grass and staring at the sky while being serenaded by guys with guitars in the background. :P

What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Receiving that text while I was in Starbucks with Fio and Chrissie.

Where were you when 2006 began?
Here in Muntinlupa.

Who were you with?

Where will you be when 2006 ends?
Down sooouth. In santa rosa :P

Who will you be with when 2006 ends?
Family again.

Do you have a new years resolution for 2007?
No. But Ill be making a new set of predictions. :P

What was your favorite month of 2006?
March and the last few months of the year.

What was your favorite record from 2006?

Alicia Keys' Unplugged.

Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2006?
Enough I believe. Lol.

You do anything you are ashamed of this year?
OMG. Making a mess after Justin's party. Sorry Chrissie! o:

What was your proudest moment of 2006?

Finding out that I got into UP with BAA as my course. :)

What was your most embarrassing moment of 2006?
I just laugh at all my embarrassing moments anyway.
Oh oh, I remember! When crush1 caught me "rejoicing" after seeing him. HAHA.
He turned his back and saw me raising my hands while silently uttering "YES!". He caught me doing that and gave me this mischievous smile. He had that smile on his face until he reached the end of the hall I think. Pang-movie, diba? Haha! (Lets just hope he doesnt read this, lol)

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2006 and change something, what would it be?
I wouldve gone to Lipa with my family to visit my Lolo for the very last time.
And I wouldve prioritized Math17 and wouldnt have cut my NatSci2 classes too. Boo. Lol.

What are your plans for 2007?
Get better grades for the second sem, live through BA 99.1 and 99.2 and all my other major subjects for my soph year, make AIESEC week an effing success! :P

How are you different now that the year has ended?
Ive learned to look past the difficulties and anticipate the satisfaction of overcoming them. Im braver now too. :P

What are your wishes for the new year?
Aside from the usual wishes for my family and world peace (haha), better grades (US na dapat), live through my first dive into BA /stat, etc., more UBEs with friends, and <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 102, 0);">

Happy New Year everyone! :)

- n|x - was loved at 10:19 PM
[link to post] [2 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

A Revelation
Opening the page took my breath away for a few good minutes. I think my hands even started freezing from all the gasps I had taken. Every line, every word...had me doing what that silly :O smiley does. And I thought I had already seen and heard everything back in high school, but I guess I was wrong.

All this time...and I never knew. I never really thought...until that night.
And even after that, I didnt think...
People may have had insinuated a lot of things, but I never really took them seriously, thinking they were just kidding around.

But now that I know, doubts have been cleared and questions have been answered.

Im running out of words to say... but thank you. For everything. :)

- n|x - was loved at 3:53 AM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

of dancing and so-called men
(Ive been flooding my entries with photos, I know. Sorry to the non-DSL users. :o)

Junior Year Modern Dance
I found these pics in Dixie's multiply.
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Arent these girls just sizzling? Nene pa kami nyan. Haha!
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spot me and get a prize! :))

From Mariah's Heartbreaker to Happy Feet's Jump and Move, Ive been dancing to a lot of songs since I was the dark little honor sec girl back in Grade School. Ive never really dared to consider myself as a "dancer" before, but after people started noticing that I could wave my body in a GRO-like manner (or a Sexbomb dancer if you may) and follow a few steps or two with ease, I realized that I could actually include it in my not-so-long list of talents.

This year, seeing the UP Streetdance Club's performances and having danced for BACBACAN 1 and 2 have got me thinking of seriously learning and polishing whatever "talents" I may have in the field of "movingyourbodyliketheresnotomorrow" (thats what my friend used to call it). I havent had the time to really consider trying out for any dance group or anything, but the drive has always been there. (If this had been the case a few months ago, I wouldve been so game to try out for the UP Streetdance Club because of "crushing" reasons, if you know what I mean) Haha! I have always had a thing for guys who can dance (or sing, or draw, or play the guitar, etc...), but that is beside the point. :P

BJ MmaniackKs Landbank Gig
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We got paid 1K each for this. Ohyeah! :P
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Im taking Streetdance lessons for my PE now, and I never thought it would be REALLY HARD. My Sexbomb-like waving skills are being put to the test here, people. Haha! But seeing Sir J (yihee, Chrissie!) and all the other REAL dancers flawlessly doing their thang (haha) on the dancefloor while putting everyone in awe and even earning money for it has really made me admire them like I do other people who are oozing with talent. (Yes, I find talent sexy.)

BACBACAN pracs may have gotten me unimaginably exhausted and stranded in a place other than my dorm room at 1 in the morning, but despite smelling really bad and feeling really sticky after dance practices, the rush of adrenaline you get on the actual performance makes it all worth it. Oh and not only that, but it also gets rid of unwanted calories and paves the way for UBEs and matchmaking (aka tuksuhan na walang katuturan) among the dancers too! And that is why dancing will always be one my favoriteeeest. :)

If anyone out there is in need of dance performers for an event, just leave a message and we'll get back to you. Haha! BJ MmaniackK, at your service! (And no, we are not escorts.) :P

In other news...

alexis capili: this is so weird
alexis capili: kasi napapaisip ako demmit
alexis capili: :))
Nikki Librada: haha..yeah. i know the feeling..
alexis capili: ang evil nilaaa. i swear it's a frikkin conspiracy among dudes

Facing the same predicament at the same time? We really are twins :P
And this is bad, because they have got us thinking.
Why must they hide from us like sissies? WEIRDOS.

alexis capili: like i said. MEN.
alexis capili: *in harsh, gruff tone of annoyance and frustration*
Nikki Librada: haha yeah..oh well O:
Nikki Librada: bahala sila :))

alexis capili: ang evil talaga nikki
Nikki Librada: hahaha..isnt it just annoying?!

Men. Cant live with em, cant kill em either. Haha. :P

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- n|x - was loved at 10:49 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Monday, December 25, 2006

Final Report on Predictions Made for 2006
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On January 4 2006, I made this list of predictions (instead of resolutions) and posted another Mid-Year Report last June to upadate myself of the things ive already accomplished. Since 2006 is almost over, here's my final report for the year :D

This year I will...
  • learn how to say no.
  • appear strong and be strong.
  • lessen my vanity. I did, didnt I? haha!
  • travel more. I may not have gotten far, but Ive definitely moved a lot o:
  • play the piano again. I learned new pop songs! yay! I felt compelled to play again during the milenyo blackout. Wala kasing magawa. Haha!

  • muster enough courage to drive alone. i did! sa loob nga lang ng village. I accomplished something big today though..I DROVE FROM BATANGAS TO MUNTINLUPA! Yeahboi! :D

  • have a boyfriend. um, NO. Still very single and ready to mingle! :P Hahaha!

  • stop crying.
  • learn how to commute. im no longer a novice. i have now been promoted to uh, a "regular commuter" haha! thank you youpeee. :D
  • grow 2 inches. ASA. i need more sleep and Cherifer. haha!
  • have my eyelashes permed.
  • go to my desired college. I love UP! :)
  • lose something valuable. I lost the red bracelet my parents bought for me from Switzerland o: AND MY N6600 :(
  • buy a digicam. bought one right before the grad ball

  • cook a delicious meal for someone. my lolo counts as someone right? :)
  • leave the house. ive spent my weekdays for the past six months in Quezon City and will soon be moving to Sta Rosa, Laguna :D
  • have a one-of-a-kind debut. I dont know about the "one-of-a-kind" part, but MasQueNada sure is worth remembering (considering it only took us a couple of days to prepare for it and that it was set on an unlikely date)
  • get drunk. that was one helluva experience to remember. lasingin ka ba naman ng mga kaklase mo! haha. twas a good thing my friends were there to take care of me, and even though my dad was the one who picked me up, di ako nahuli! >:) update: di pako nalalasing ever since naging college student ako. am ii a good girl or what? hahaha!
  • win an award. id like to think that the flimsy certificate i got for being Top 7 was an award. oh, we won 3rd place for our play too last year (which i co-directed) and won 1st place for GSET! :D

  • get together with my barkada.Jana's, Julie's, Marge's, etc. debuts! :D
  • graduate with flying colors.
  • go to Bora. :( maybe next year
  • get my license. non-pro! :D
  • earn money on my own. BJ MMANIACKK gig at Landbank! got 1K for dancing! haha! :) (thanks for reminding me fuents! lol)
  • be featured on a mag.Well, our picture appeared on BAC2YOU, didnt it? haha. Maybe next year? :)
  • receive flowers.
  • watch a concert.madami sa aking unibersidad!

  • sleepover at someone's house.we slept over at our other house in sta rosa! that counts! and it was a blast!
  • have my hair cut or straightened. had it cut right before my birthday. was thinking of having it straightened, but my Mom and friends protested, haha. wavy hair's the way to go :P
  • get more sleep.
  • have a blast in my first year in college.Thanks to the special people who made this possible! :)
  • cry during graduation. this didnt happen coz I cried AFTER o:

  • miss my room.I so felt this during the first few months of being away from home.
  • blog less often.My entries are all senseless now. haha!
  • start a book.
  • enjoy the prom. pre-prom's full of drama and hassle. you just have to enjoy the night itself :) oh and i had a date this year too.
  • be hooked to something. Chocnut forever :x and TheOC! and Grey's and now, Prison Break! And Raisins! Haha!

  • attend a wedding.
  • meet loads of new people.I SURE DID!
  • be scolded at.
  • strengthen my faith.
  • return to Zobel for SI retreats. I havent visited Zobel since grad. Boo.

  • read some long-ass book.
  • curse less.
  • be braver.
  • kiss and be kissed. sa cheek. friendly kiss. so technically, NBK pa rin ako. Hahaha.
  • be more open.

  • be Ms. Hitch. para sa mga may problema sa puso :P
  • spill a secret.Marami nito sa AIESEC :P
  • say goodbye to a friend. I miss you Cao!
  • get sick.Im still sick now. haha
  • dance till the morning.
  • miss my HS friends. badly :(
  • bump my head real hard. literall and figuratively

  • watch the sun rise or set with someone. Sayang. Didnt happen.
  • be more laid back.
  • have a picture taken with a hotshot celebrity. where are you wentworth miller? haha!
  • witness something close to a miracle. still waiting.
If they dont happen, then they hopefully will the year after...or the year after that..or the year after that... :)

Thats 50 out of 58. Not bad right? :)

Now, I just have to grow 2 more inches, go to Bora, cry during my college graduation, return to Zobel, watch the sun rise or set with someone other than myself, meet up with Wentworth-my-love and have my picture taken with him...
and for the remaining two...

me having a boyfriend = something close to a miracle.
Hahahaa. :D

Merry Christmas! :)
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- n|x - was loved at 10:33 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happified Holidays
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Chocolate cake 2 nights ago, blueberry cheesecake last night, and sans rival today - oh how I love the Christmas season!

Its a time when the fridge gets filled with chocolates and fruit cakes that end up in everyone's tummies by the end of the break. Never mind the bulges that the many Christmas parties could give you, as long as your heart is fattened along the way, all the sharing of laughter and blessings make up for it all.

Its a time when most people seem to find that someone with whom they can share their warmth with during those chilly December mornings for Simbang Gabi. With people flocked practically everywhere, its not hard to pick out the ones most special to you and make them feel that way. Whether it be through undies as presents, a box of chocolates as goodies, or just simply a big warm hug for a dear friend, they all spell out the same message of love.

Its a time when families find an excuse to pack their bags and head to those places significant to them to take in the Christmas spirit. A simple dinner at home with the traditional giving of gifts appeals to those who long for an intimate celebration. Some prefer big gatherings where the whole clan comes over to fill Lola's house with kwentuhan and laughter. Choosing to spend Christmas eve with the people you most love only manifests how much they are valued. Whatever the size or the price, no gift could ever take the family and friends.

Its also a time when people forget about all their problems and just simply feel thankful for what they have. It may not actually be the day when Jesus was born, but from it grew the dauntlessness of giving without expecting anything in return. No matter how heavy your burdens may be, the genuine smiles of the people around you melts the worries away and gives you the right to be happy.

This year, I met new friends, stuck with my old ones, and found another - in me. Although this Christmas feels incomplete without my Lolo, knowing that the loss had let me gain even more consoles me. I have a million things to be thankful for and hopefully Id be able to give that all back. But for now, learning to live a good life while drenched in love by my family and friends is more than enough. :)

To everyone I love, thank you for touching my life.
To everyone else, Merry Christmas! :)

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*Im leaving for Manila in a while. Then were heading to Lipa after. Weve spent Christmas in my Lolo's house all my life - can't wait! :)*

- n|x - was loved at 12:01 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Thursday, December 21, 2006

random thoughts
I love my barkada! No matter how many new friends I meet, no one could take the place of good old high school friends with whom Ive practically shared my "childhood"/ growing-up-years with.
I missed you Abet, Mariel, Jana, Danielle! We have to see each other more often!
Julie! We missed you! Sayang you couldnt come. :(
Chrissie? Im getting sick of you. Haha. Joke lang! I still love being with you!
Marge! Belated Happy 18th Birthday! My life wouldnt be the same without you. I love you! :) *pics from Marge's party to follow*

I know its mean to make CHICHI about other people. But somehow, everything they've shown/done/said has got everyone thinking.

Are they...? o:


I find it weird how after a person makes his "presence felt", he, all of a sudden...disappears.

- n|x - was loved at 12:58 AM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sta Rosa sleepover/Tagaytay Trip
They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

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these pictures are worth a lot alright.
The memories that come with them are PRICELESS. :)

more pics at my multiply! :)

Im still sick. Boo. :|
Hope I get allowed to go to Marge's party. I CANT miss that. And Raffy's party too. WUAH. Sorry I missed your birthday celebration Dixie. :(

Uploading pics has been a pain in the bum! Ive tried uploading in multiply, in yahoo, and even in photobucket, but it still takes me hours to even upload a few pics. Somebody save me from this uploading hell. Haha!

P.S. - Its surprising how my blog's gotten more hits again. Heavy blog traffic, eh? Must be because most people are on their Christmas break already - more idle time to spend on stalking maybe? Haha! People, tag me please! Comments and tags make me happy! Haha..Leave me a message on the tagboard on the right - just please put your name - scary stalkers not allowed. And dont use my name either. Wokey? :P

And oh no, how could I have forgotten...

After 550 posts, who wouldve thought that we would last this long? Haha!
It has acted as my silent confidant and loyal keeper that it's become part of my life already.
Here's to more years of ranting, rejoicing, emo-ness, and love :)

- n|x - was loved at 1:18 AM
[link to post] [1 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Last school day of the year
*Will write more when I get back from our *drum roll* major sleepover/Tagaytay trip from tonight to Monday morning! Woohoo! :) Ian, Jerome, Jolo, Henri, Ayen, Eva, Denise, Crisette, AJ, and (hopefully) Alexis are coming over to our house at Sta. Rosa! UBE na 'to! :)

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We walked to AS to "watch" the oblation run, but to our dismay (haha), we only saw their heads (the real one on top of their shoulders, okay?) and the roses they had with them. Sayang, gusto ko pa naman ng rose. :( Hahaha!
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We got bummed after finding out that the Lantern Parade was cancelled, so we opted to do our own "parading" instead - in SM North that is. Tinotoo na naman jologian-ness namin all for the sake of having fun! Haha! :))
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We entertained ourselves with the drum thingy, and the shooting game, and (again) Dance Maniax. Hahaha! I love it! :)
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Then, we ate at KFC and enjoyed several rounds of "Werewolf".

Me: "I am not the werewolf! Im innocent! Im just a villager!"
A case of really bad acting. Dammit, I cant lie. Haha! :P
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And we ended the last school day of the year with a blast! :)
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*Poch, Macky, and Dous came over to our college too! They wanted to watch the Oblation Run (hmm bakit kaya?) and the Lantern Parade kaya lang di na nila naabutan. It was really great seeing those (must I say) "hot" guys again. Diba Chrissie? Haha! :)

- n|x - was loved at 12:00 PM
[link to post] [1 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Friday, December 15, 2006

feeling good :)
Note: This was typed Wednesday night. (Now I know that I really need to register to my dorm's WiFi already. Lol)

December 13, 06

After reviving my closet from its cluttered death, and doing a make-over on my poor overused dorm room bed, I readied myself for lengthy sleep I so well deserved. But after 6 decades of my rose-scented maroon beads, I felt that the day I just had deserved more recognition and reminiscence. I just couldnt let it pass without putting into words how everything that had happened on the 13th of December fattened my heart.


Our first Math100 long exam, as ridiculously easy as it was (compared to Math17), was victimized by my anxiety attack. I have now proven that I cant stay lax before an exam even if I had already studied for it a few days before the actual date. I felt uneasy thinking all along that the problems were too easy, ergo, carelessness took over. Boo. Anyway, enough of that.
Oh and Starbucks was a bad choice over Bo's Coffee, but having good friends right beside me, going crazy over unfamiliar limits, was no mistake. :)

Moving on...

Another choice I had to make was to either go to JMA's TBA or attend AIESEC's PCMC visit. I have always had the latter in my list of things-to-do-before-I-die, and so I decided to remain loyal to my first org (along with Chrissie's swaying) and went to the Philippine Children's Medical Center instead. The overwhelming condition of the children we met there broke my heart. Seeing those tender bodies in pain at a very young age shook my optimism, but despite how everything seemed so unfair to them, seeing those little children's hopeful eyes made me admire them all the more - for their strength, will, and desire to get better and simply live.

And thats when I realized...thats something most of us should stop taking for granted.

My prayers will now include baby boy, Sanjoe, Thrischa, Ian, Carlo...and all the other children who are in need of God's healing. Pray for them too :)


Walking through SM North's crowded floors twice in a day is no joke. But if youve got great company with you, with a common goal to find that perfect gift for Kris Kringle, and tons of laughs to share, it will all be worth it. Never mind that you walked along the polluted streets of Quezon City and hogged the MRT's airconditioning, or ditched your daintiness by challenging each other to a game of arcade racing, drumming, or hand-swooshing (whateveryoucallthatcoolgame, haha). As long as youre having fun, it still pays off to feel like a kid again.

Oh btw Chri, a nice necklace with a pendant would do. Or chocolates. Or anything purple. Hihi. :P


AIESEC's Christmas party made me laugh so hard that my insides still hurt until now. The small gathering kept the whole thing intimate, and even though we ended early, the fun generated by the weird games compensated for everything else. So maybe I was put in three Sukebes and randomly selected for the dating game (hahaha), but what the heck, I had fun. I was stuffed at the end too, so what more could I ask for, right? :) <3 AIESEC UPD!


As incoherent as this entry may seem, these paragraphs cant contain the fulfillment resonating within me now. It just feels so good to have, and to share.
It just feels so damn good. :)

Its 2:30 am and Im still awake.
I have a 10am class tomorrow.
AdCore meeting at 11:30.
PE (ang hirap ng streetdance) at 2. (Note: Chrissie and I cut PE yesterday and stayed at the JMA tambayan instead. Hahaha!)
@Week OC meeting at 2:30.
@Week planning with Alexis at Bo's Coffee Club at whatever time.
And (insert surprise plans here) <---(Note: Guess this transpired after all. Instead of going to Bo's, we ended up going to SM North AGAIN :P)

Good night :)

P.S. - "If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?" was in my dream the other day. I just remembered. :O Wth? Haha!

December 15, 06

Yesterday (December 14), was a repeat of my feeling-good day. From enjoying Dance Maniax, eating at Cerealicious, to singing Jologs songs while waiting for a cab - all these and more have been keeping me on a high. Thank you to the people who made that possible. :)

Im off to BA in a while.
Were supposedly "watching" the Oblation run later. Lets just see if I muster enough willpower and dignity to even stand anywhere near those naked men. Haha!
Im excited to watch the Lantern Parade for the first time ever tonight! I even invited my family to come. Yay!

Anyhoo, here's to another feeling-good day! :P

- n|x - was loved at 9:39 AM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Of holding on or letting go
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I got teary-eyed at the very words he gave while my heart swelled at her confessions. I felt for my friends. Somehow, getting caught up in their relationship as an onlooker has gotten me tangled up in their own dire wants and confusing pains. I am not one to speak of their reasons, but when it boils down to a pitchfork in the road - a grave matter of holding on or letting go - either way, no one is exempted from the hurt that comes along with it.

Experience has taught me that trusting your mind, and only your mind, is never safe. Weighing out what is right from what is desired always turns the scale into a dysfunctional tool. Choosing what is right now from what will be better tomorrow is almost always full of uncertainty as one tries to dodge the propositions of the heart.

The cyclical endings of my life's chapters have also embedded a virtue of taking risks and avoiding regrets upon me. From that, I learned that you should take the power to choose what you want, what you love, and what you wish to do with your life. No one else can do it for you. Only you could make you happy.
Whatever happens, Ill be here for you two.
He loves you, she loves you.
Thats all there is to it.

- n|x - was loved at 12:49 AM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Saturday, December 09, 2006

or maybe not.


I am compelled to fill this space out with interesting and supposedly-witty narrations of my life's mundane unfolding, but that urge to do so is outweighed by the need to feel the ground again and land back where I elevated from.

After all, life really is all just about the ups and the downs.
You have to choose to hang on to the ups, and drive yourself out from the downs each and every single time.

Its all a matter of timing.


I want the week to end already. I wont be able to go to Tuesday's ABAM/AIESEC/PX victory party thing, so I guess err that's that. Im excited to witness the Lantern Parade this coming Friday though. I need a break. My much awaited seclusion from the world is nearing again. *Evil laugh*

Can't wait for our Sta Rosa-sleepover/Tagaytay-trip! :)

My Christmas anthem:

Last night I took a walk in the snow
Couples holding hands, places to go
Seems like everyone but me is in love
Santa, can you hear me ?

I sign my letter that I sealed with a kiss
I send it off and just said this
I know exactly what I want this year
Santa, can you hear me ?

I want my baby, baby
I want someone to love me someone to hold
Maybe, Maybe
Be all my own in a big red bow

Santa, can you hear me ?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all I want just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I’ll be waiting here
Santa that’s my only wish this year.

And yes, its by Britney Spears. Hahahah :)

- n|x - was loved at 2:22 AM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dreaming of Adieu

The garden was filled with tall shoots of grass growing with the rhythm of my every step. Clotheslines blocked my view of what lay ahead, but it wasn’t too long before I realized whose suspended body it was, peacefully sleeping, right before me. I maneuvered through the bare lot to come closer and reached for the white tainted chemise that hung above him. My vision zoomed into his very face and from impulse, I carefully uttered, “Goodbye Lolo.”

A breath of sigh echoed through the background along with the resonance of leaves dancing to the blowing wind. As was I getting ready to leave, I felt a magnetizing desire to look back - to just wait and see if he would respond. A nervy desire, yes, but it was a longing I was willing to give into.

Following my immediate line of sight, I circled the empty garden and receded from the path I planned on taking. I gazed at the very familiar face with a contour beautiful just like my own. It was then that his eyes started to open. Slowly and intimately, they opened for me, as if stripping me of all fears. It was an unguarded moment that had no touch of fright, only of hope and anticipation for a split second I had been praying for.

I have insignificant memory of his unwritten response in my head. But I remember him, with his eyes still fixed on me, bidding me, and the people we both loved, goodbye. “Goodbye Nikki” are the words still faithfully etched in my reminiscent night scene. And with that latent reverie, I trust that his sending off has been both dauntless and tranquil. And from that visit, I know that he’ll forever be just by my side, watching over me, still with that unforgettable smile.

- n|x - was loved at 9:53 PM
[link to post] [0 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

Friday, December 01, 2006

Counting down the days

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Clearing my head of thoughts unheard of by the world apart from my own is a task I shall leave to the wind blowing past my windows tonight. The last month has just stepped aboard the threshold of a year full of firsts, and soon I too shall leave them behind and have the rain wash them away. Somehow, Ive been stunned by the endless truths that have slapped me in the face. The placid route that my days have taken did not fail to surprise me over and over again. From an overwhelming dive into the pool of unrecognizable faces, to the amazing feat of succumbing to the call for independence, it has been a ride worthy of celebrating.

Here's to the last days of the year. :)

Im excited for @week! I love our team. Were all so good together. Haha!
Yay AIESEC! :)
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Bacbacan2 is in 5 days.
My body's covered with bruises from dancing and doing "stunts". Im still amazed by how those guys manage to actually lift me. Yes, all hundred++ pounds of me.

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I actually miss going back to my dorm with the sun still up in the sky. And going home every night soaked in sweat and dirt hasnt been very nice.

But it's all been fun! Hope all our hard work pays off. Go Yellow Bazookas! Hahaha. :)

Stop messing with my head.
Else, Ill move on to the next best thing.

- n|x - was loved at 12:42 AM
[link to post] [2 smiles for me :)]
~I will keep your secrets. Just think of me as the pages of your diary.~

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